I wish I was multilingual. Tbh my French is getting worse, and I now realize how blest I was to have a French teacher who actually comes from a French-speaking country. La tristesse. I was the best in my class and now I can't even remember basic français.
Oh man, my new prof adds that American af "ay" to everything. "MangAY", "voulAY", "s'il te plAY." I cringe everytime.
Just my random rant. Sorry to bother your post lol

It takes time and patience. You dont need to rush for everything if you practically don't have any reason to use it for. Just try reading raws or buy a version of Audible so you can get tutored by just using your earphones. They have great language lessons there.
And a grammar nazi is a person who corrects grammar mistakes by even the smallest ones aswell.
Ex. "It they're not their"
Troubles non English speakers have to face:
1) when someone tells(or writes) you a joke, you have to-
a. Come up with a better joke taking 1h. (Matter of pride)
b. Search in urban dictionary cause you don't even understand wtf is funny.
[This also goes for the time when someone is swearing at you]
2) Reading manga, watching anime(dub/sub) yet terrible grade in English.
3) Giving up looking for a manga cause it's too hard to explain.
4) Reading your old comments and not understanding what you were talking about.
5) Wondering what would happen if all manga were written in your language.
Ps: I wanna have google translator from 3018
Fk this unfair world!
Ps-2: Don't you feel a bit satisfied when you see Eng speakers whining how they wished they could speak Japanese or Korean? :3