Do you remember that kiss from that night

Nobody October 3, 2018 8:48 pm

More like he’s never forgotten.
by yaoi logic, a kiss can be written off as an accident, impulse or a dare. Now I’m going to ask a potentially stupid question, (I’m mostly aromantic so my experiences with romance and dates are non-existent) but do people really do that? Unless it’s a dare it there are beer goggles involved or curiosity I supppse, I don’t think you go around making out w/ others unless you are at least mildly attracted to them? I can be wrong though. I hope Yuyang doesn’t try to use yaoi logic

    Shaala October 3, 2018 9:08 pm

    Fellow aro here! It depends on the personality of the person. Two of my friends kiss each other sometimes as a fun greeting and there's no romantic tension between them.

    Mitzy October 3, 2018 9:14 pm

    i'm demisexual, so i can't really respond to this answer, because i certainly can't kiss anyone i'm not mildly attracted to or attached to without feeling completely disgusted with myself, but i'm really interested what the allosexuals have to say.

    Maddy October 3, 2018 9:42 pm

    I mean, yes and no. It doesn't happen the way it does in 90s high school movies where all the popular kids are just making out with each other, but you can kiss someone without being attracted to them if you have a very tight definition of attraction. It's possibly to acknowledge someone as objectively attractive without physically being attracted to them. It's similar to having sex without being sexually attracted to someone, since for the most part you don't need to be attracted to someone for your sex drive to kick in, as sex is a very physical thing that can simply be enhanced by emotion. So yes, it's possible and people do it, but not very often unless their profession calls for it.