O my god

Hana-chin October 2, 2018 9:50 am

alex!! like what in the world ever happened to your brain?! have you lost it?! missed our DG so much that you cant even think straight?! (is what my mind would say but am so happy right now he fell in love with DG!! (i think) but poor DG he is tryin to get over it now he'll be hurt again! but i ship you two and i hope in the future that the guy in the picture that alex like wont show up and create a love triangle and chaos..
one more thing.......kyaaa!!! (≧∀≦) i came running here as soon as i knew there was an update!!

    grand October 2, 2018 9:43 am

    You do know that jiwon and Alex are the same people right xD ?

    Hana-chin October 2, 2018 9:46 am
    You do know that jiwon and Alex are the same people right xD ? grand

    mwahahhaha lol i made a mistake hahhahah lmao