You’re ridiculous. You’re judging him based on his actions as an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KID. The fact that he has been able to recognize his behavior, acknowledge it, take responsibility for it, and apologize to both of them and continue to try to be on good terms with them shows incredible growth and strength of character that most adults don’t even have. Nobody is a saint in elementary school because we’re still developing morals, empathy, and the ability to understand that other people experience situations different that us. That’s literally a part of cognitive development that takes kids several years to develop.
I'll quote hear a comment Taezya made in the comment section of otakumole for chapter 7. It pretty much details the kind of low-life scum Arikawa is:
Arikawa doesn't just want Sakura to be happy. He wants her to be happy with HIM. Nobody is that selfless about love that they just want the other person to be happy. The guy who she's been in love with since middle school told her that he only thinks of her as a friend. She's heartbroken. Arikawa KNOWS she's heartbroken and that very same day he is trying to date her. He isn't even thinking of her feelings. If Arikawa just wanted Sakura to be happy he would be trying to get her together with Nozomi since he knows she's in love with him. Before she got rejected he hated that she was in love with Nozomi. If she didn't get rejected and her and Nozomi lived happily ever after he'd be pee'd off that she was with somebody else. The only way he'd be happy at this time is if she somehow fell in love with him. He's really only thinking of himself.
Arikawa proposed Saku not because he didn't care about her feelings, it's the opposite actually .. He was trying to distract her and lighten her depression..
And of course any person would want their love interest to end up with them if possible.. Yet he didn't force her, or sow any discord or anything..
He just expressed his feelings.. that's all .. That shouldn't be a reason to be labelled as a lowlife scum .
I really wish Saku to end up with Arikawa.. Even though he is loud and doesn't have much delicacy, he really cares for Saku..
Come on girl.. move on already