
taeyong's astro twin September 30, 2018 11:05 pm

what i'm actually concerned about is that neither bum nor sangwoo are reliable narrators, both are unstable so how can we tell if what we’ve seen so far it’s actually all /reality/ instead of /illusions/... i’m not denying the whole story, just some parts that could pretty much be explained as made up, especially considering how sangwoo has mistaken bum as his own mom (he could pretty much have a distorted reality)

    usagi chan October 1, 2018 12:17 pm

    the story isn't really being told from either of their perspectives, so that would kind of be a very lame twist....i don't think we have to worry about that

    Lucy In The Sky October 1, 2018 8:31 pm
    the story isn't really being told from either of their perspectives, so that would kind of be a very lame twist....i don't think we have to worry about that usagi chan

    It wouldn't be lame at all. She's absolutely right. The narrators aren't reliable and so basically any weird outcome is possible.

    usagi chan October 2, 2018 9:52 pm
    It wouldn't be lame at all. She's absolutely right. The narrators aren't reliable and so basically any weird outcome is possible. Lucy In The Sky

    why do you think they are the narrators? if that's the case then the cop is also a narrator...it's not really being told from anyone's perspective in particular

    Lucy In The Sky October 2, 2018 10:13 pm

    You're right. But I also think a lot has been shown from Bum's perspective, especially in the first season. Sangwoo's perspective is still a bit sketchy because I think the author doesn't want to reveal his motives just yet. It's sad if you re-read from the beginning and see Bum's mental state steadily decline. As readers, we don't know if what we're seeing is real or a figment of someone's psychosis. Maybe that's Koogi's intention. All we know is that they aren't right in the head. Seungbae has even had his moments where he seemed out of the loop. At this point, any theory is plausible.

    usagi chan October 3, 2018 12:12 pm
    You're right. But I also think a lot has been shown from Bum's perspective, especially in the first season. Sangwoo's perspective is still a bit sketchy because I think the author doesn't want to reveal his mot... Lucy In The Sky

    not really...it's been pretty consistent so far. there's no chance of that happening...everything is being told from a third person's pont of view (as an outsider looking in). the moments you describe (when we see what Bum or Seungbae see) are just used to buid suspense or to shock us...there's no way that some parts of the story are sudenly gonna turn out to be illusions or made up. that is clearly noot this author's style...

    Lucy In The Sky October 3, 2018 4:58 pm
    not really...it's been pretty consistent so far. there's no chance of that happening...everything is being told from a third person's pont of view (as an outsider looking in). the moments you describe (when we ... usagi chan

    It's a psychological thriller and I'm not saying every psychological thriller needs to have an epic twist at the end but our main characters have all had illusions up until now and it's very much Koogi's style to make the reader question what the characters are seeing.

    usagi chan October 3, 2018 6:42 pm

    I'm not saying that halucinations don't play a huge role in the series and that they won't have an important role in the future, I'm saying there's no way that the stuff we've seen so far is gonna turn out to be just part of someone's illusions.

    taeyong's astro twin October 3, 2018 11:59 pm
    I'm not saying that halucinations don't play a huge role in the series and that they won't have an important role in the future, I'm saying there's no way that the stuff we've seen so far is gonna turn out to b... usagi chan

    well damn you went off... i think you took my point the wrong way, considering i was just talking about sangwoo's hallucinations, it wouldn’t be too far fetched if some of the stuff he has shown us via his memories are made up or distorted
    mental illnesses is a theme very apparent in this story and some MI include having hallucinations as part of the symptoms so yeah me thinking about it isn’t lame or stupid like you’re claiming
    you can disagree with it, the name calling isn’t necessary

    taeyong's astro twin October 4, 2018 12:03 am
    It's a psychological thriller and I'm not saying every psychological thriller needs to have an epic twist at the end but our main characters have all had illusions up until now and it's very much Koogi's style ... Lucy In The Sky

    thanks for supporting my point! what i said in my previous comment is that it’s not far-fetched to think something doesn’t add up, because honestly both sangwoo and bum aren’t 'normal' people, so they could be sugarcoating stuff (bum) or just imagining things are x way when it wasn’t exactly that (sangwoo)
    if the author wanted to make something realistic they should take into account the symptoms of mental illnesses, because yeah no normal person would be into killing or stalking lol
