About the feud concerning the new layout...allow me to give my opinion

Uso September 28, 2018 4:27 pm

I feel so bad for the staff of mangago. They were just trying to bring something new for us. They were trying to make the experiment of the website more appealing and exciting. And it was all for us readers. Yes the new layout has some flaws. Instead of giving them encouragement, support and be understanding, instead of giving a chance to the new layout and wait for them to fix it, they just faced a bunch of angry people shouting none stop" we don't like it just bring back the old one". Just how many website of manga offer such an opportunity , such a platform for readers to express themselves. I think many people were so rude this morning while addressing this issue. If mangago want to try new things to improve the website let them try. And if after some time it is not working we can always ask for a change. The new layout didn't even last a day as many people were complaining about it. To the staff of manga: I think the new layout was pretty cool. If you fix what needed to be fixed I wish you Will bring it back again. people were complaining because it was not working and they couldn't enjoy it and not because it changed. Thanks

    Yuuki September 28, 2018 4:43 pm

    It is not that peopke discourage their efforts but it is better this way. Who would like to scroll till the end to get to the stuffs. I think most people see the feeds and then decide what to read so feed is important and the top five lists are important and lastly the search button should be in a convenient place.And last but not least it should load faster.

    Suck my tortellini September 28, 2018 4:45 pm

    The only change i didn't like was the feutured/ updated and popular mangas gone. If they don't remove it as well as the old parts and just changed the style/format then i would be okay with the change they're planning.

    Lalala September 28, 2018 5:22 pm

    For me, i think the new one is not bad..its just nice..maybe at first people just felt somehow concern.,but they can learn it as they keep on exploring..but it is really disturbing as it load really slow..like literally slow..( ̄∇ ̄")

    Billy September 28, 2018 5:24 pm

    Exactly. Some of us didnt even give them the time to improve it. And they probably worked hard on this.. not even giving them the chance to explore just put all their work to waste :-/

    Shiragiku September 28, 2018 5:45 pm

    I'm open to any novel ideas or changes with the layout, but please don't remove or take away the mochi favicon and the 6 mochis incorporated within the logo. The new layout still had the mochi which was fine. The mochis are unique to mangago~<3

    Uso September 28, 2018 6:24 pm

    I think mangago was Just trying to surprise the readers with the new layout but I bet they were the surprised one with that backlash. People are thanking the staff for bringing back the old version...but it leave me with a sour taste in my mouth . I am stuck with the feeling that we all kill their attempt to improve this website. And the fact that most people rejoice over it, some people even stated that they would have left the site if they didn't bring back the old version, which definitely sound like a threat ,feel so wrong to me . More than the fact that the update itself was not working ,my concern is about how people dealt with it . And the only conclusion that is left to draw is that mangago readers were not supportive towards the administrators and it so disappointing. What if they stuck to the new layout and didn't change it? What would have happened?

    Assasin1827 September 29, 2018 1:58 am

    I actually thought they were hacked or something, I panicked and used a browser with vpn