I don't understand how you can't understand her mindset? He hasn't shown anything like caring at all unless it has something to do with treating her like a pet or a toy. Many times she's thought that she's been treated specially only to be disappointed and not JUST by Caitel but also by Serira (who would have let her be beheaded if Caitel had decided to go ahead and have her killed) and Perdel. And with everything else that I've seen I think she'd be 'dumb' to believe he did love her. Btw, I'm older than both of her ages put together currently. Reading a story does help with comprehension. Thanks.

Ha, thanks for taking the time to reply. I definitely did read the story, hence the “100 chapters in” bit. And I still disagree, from the get go I think that Caitel stopped seeing Ariadna as a toy or pet a long time ago. I think that although he’s never said it he’s showed his love for her many times; not starting frivolous wars so that he can spend time near her, giving her increasingly extravagant gifts to her on her birthdays, assigning Asisi, a great asset to the kingdom to be her personal knight when that definitely wasn’t necessary. Does it make sense to have the kingdoms greatest, or one of if not the greatest, knights to a toy? When that miniature version of the tree got broken he wasn’t heedlessly cruel. He was just upset she lied. And this time her horrible punishment was going to be staying in her room?? She didn’t like that and ran off. Afterwards Serira, just a servant mouthed off to him,the emperor, and it makes sense that she’d be punished for that. (Even of death is extreme). In my opinion, Ariadna overreacts to things, and barely tries to understand Caitel. Let’s not forget that Ari isn’t actually eight mentally, she should be able to figure out these things if she tried to. I agree with Dranste that she’s sees Caitel as a nuisance. All I’m saying is that after 100+ chapters you’d think that there’s by some kind of understanding of each other by now.

Np I really like these kinds of discussions! But this is honestly my favorite webtoon rn despite the misunderstandings (maybe even because of them) because of the characters and the cuteness factor (and setting). It would also be a little creepy and difficult for her to have romantic relationships or any kind of normal life if her mind didn't shed a few years off.

I agree with you! I made a comment like this a couple chapters back noting the very same thing.
Because yes, I agree, Caitel shows his affection for her in extreme ways but it's obvious that's just what he's capable of- he's not the type to blatantly show(Unless he's buying her extravagant gifts and what not) or say it but we know he loves her. Heck, even Serira and that other nanny say that he loves her.
If she was not murdered, she would've been around his age...surely she would be capable of recognizing the type of person he is and honestly in my opinion, I feel like ever since the very first day...she's almost had like a bias towards him being a bully based on what she heard other say or when he tried to strangle her but ehh
Even though it’s been a hundred chapters already I just can’t get a grasp on MCs mindset. Every time she speaks I just get confused on what the heck she’s talking about. I don’t get how she never seems to get that Caitel cares for her as a daughter. Didn’t she already know that??? Why is she always so confused about these things?? Is this a translation issue or am I just crazy??