Same. Its also very frustrating plus the art was too western for me, not only the setting. I like anime/manga mainly because of its unique art
Also, i aint saying its bad, just a matter of preference. Realism is always liked by people. But i am here for fiction. If i need to read, say a realistic rape story, for a nice hot debate, might as well read real news. I would find it boring if someone made a manga out of it.

What I wanna know is how in the ever living holy hell do you people read lover boy?!?! It might be happy now but I still hate it because of everything sad in the story (I’m not saying it’s not well written because it’s very well written, I guess I just can’t handle sadness... I have enough of that in real life)

EXACTLY. I'm not saying people shouldn't make realistic stories, just not ones so boring and it just DRAGS. Each chapter I found myself clicking the screen praying that something interesting happened, so fast, I didn't even realize I wasn't reading the pages. Just clicking. And yes, the art style is sort of unappealing. However I didn't not like it because of the art style, but because it just looked...eh. I didn't like it at ALL. Even the sex scenes were boring! HOW DO YOU MAKE A SEX SCENE BORING.

Lmao I legit just tried to read it but then I dropped it because it wasn't really for me and it seemed boring.
From what I read- MC gets high af and fucks people with wigs because he likes this dude he fucked a long time ago when he was in a band- then MC company boss puts camreas in his bed room to ...show he's gay? Or some shit like that I stopped at that point Lmao