Did you forgot Siwon is the one who agree to go drinking with a parson that kidnap his best friend, kiss him by force, blackmail his boyfriend with a pic he took while he was asleep - and yet he agree to go drinking with him.
how convenient, sorry there is a limit at how much a moron you can get, Siwon cross that line, no jump over the line.

siwon is a fucking idiot im not denying that, but hes faced so much trauma from all three of the guys. ESPECIALLY lu xuan run. hes stupid for forgiving everyone without hesitation but doesnt that just make his character so soft and kind??? hes frustrating but he hasnt done anything wrong. let me remind you that all of them kissed him by force. he deserves sympathy.

are you for real? you think going to drink alchool with kidnapper, he know he was, is "forgiving" them? nope I have no words anymore. I don't think you get it, he is old enough to know not to go with people like and drink! he is not 5 years old kid and no it does not make him "kind or soft" it make him a big moron that worse then 4 years old kid that at least get what it mean to not go with bad guys to places.

cause this character's action's does not MAKE SENSE! unless he have a mantel problam of having a brain of a five years old kid that can't see any danger, people in the age of 25 don't fucking act like this in the real world! they don't go drink with fuck up kidnapper they sew kidnap their best friend them sexually harassed, they go to the fucking police!
the reason he was acting like this is cause the autor wanted an excuse to make more pointless drama while hurting the character's quality and making him look more retarded and dumb then a porn character's, what is very bad! you don't want character be dumb has a porn character. so OF COURSE people will not like him ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
but I guess you don't have common sense.

ok literally fuck you???? how, in any way,is he not a victim???? he was drugged, kidnapped, and sexually assaulted,,, and u can argue that it was 'his fault' but that doesnt make him Not a victim????????? it's like saying someone who went over to a murderers house and got killed isn't a victim of murder,,, like, they still died, right? makinf them a, guess what, victim!!!! it takes half a brain to figure that out,, and with how much u like to call siwon stupid,,,,,

if you know someone kill someone else, and you still going with him to his house knowing he besically will have a weapon, it is your fucking your fault!
it was his CHOICE to go with a kidnpper that blackmail the guy he like, and he still agree to DRINK with him! stop trying to make him a victim if he choice to do it, no one force him to go with a kidnapper, he CHOOSE to go!

ohh my, i really dont want to see your opinion on clothing leading to rape... its 2018 kid ya gotta grow up at some point. he chose to get drinks with a kidnapper, he did not choose to get kidnapped. much like a woman can choose to wear a skirt in front of a man choose and not be fucked by him - it would be pretty clearly rape if he went against that,,, you at least understand that right?? he didnt ASK TO GET KIDNAPPED. lets remember that our little siwon is terrified and facing a lot of mental stress rn,,,,, he doesnt know whats right or wrong. no one forced him to go with a kidnapper youre right, but he wasnt asking to get kidnapped. lu xuan run is a hella sociopath and is so good at manipulating people and using their fear against them. siwon is SCARED. so scared he cant make rational decisions, even if that not explicitly explained it doesnt take a genius to figure that out. but i understand your pride is getting in the way of you seeing the reality,,,, just like his fear was getting in the way of siwon seeing rationally..... u guys have a lot in common apparently. so glad we had this chat.

if you agree to go drink with a kidnapper, yeas it actually mean you agree to let him do whatever he want even if he didn't drag him. he still could have rape and kidnap him while he was DRANK. do you even know what it mean to drink??
he CHOOSE to do it, so he should take responsibility for his choices! just cause you willing to ignore the fact people need to take responsibility for their own choices, dosn't make it true!
and stop insulting real victims!! you have no right to even compare them!
Siwon IS NOT A VICTIM! real victim's don't have any choice to choose what to do, Siwon DID HAVE A CHOICE!!!
he wasn't scared when he make that choice, he could easily avoid it if he go to his boyfriend dircatly instead of asking someone else about his life! that could easily be avoided, but again the autor wanted drama with no care if it's make sense or not make sense.
besides the fact that if he was "soo scared" he could easily go to the police when Kang told him he was been blackmail by him. they could even go together. that would have been make more sense. but again, Siwon don't have common sense, he worse then a 5 years old.
I understand that you just a moron that don't know what it mean to take responsibility or common sense or what it mean to get drank. I feel sorry for you, you should get help. I can't help you there if you don't get what common sense mean.

he literally NEVER asked to be kidnapped or molested????? and drinking doesnt mean hes asking for that either????? he shouldnt have to take responsibility when he got abducted and molested???? because its not his fault,,, (pls dont restate the same victim blamey argument youve been using this whole time, i dont want to hear it)
and dont u fucking dare act like victims dont have choices???? some do, they just CHOOSE not to because its dangerous, because its easier, because they dont want to cause trouble,,, some victims have no choice but to accept their reality and go with dangerous people, etc, just like siwon. but that doesnt make it their fault. that doesnt make them not a victim.
also, going to the police and filing a report is not a fucking easy thing tk do when you're alone and have no proof at all. siwon was tryjng to solve things on his own, and by going with xuan to that bar he probably thought he could end things by himself. not to mention, xuan was reeling him in and manipulating him to come by using jinha. and when xuan deadass has blackmail on them?? of coufse hes not going to go to the police, he doesnt wanna make things worse????
ps i hope you stay as far away from any form of rape, sexual assault, childhood sexual assault, molestation, or any form of sexual misconduct victim as you fucking can for as long as you live.

what the meaning of drinking? I ask again cause you seem too stupid or you really don't know what it mean to drink alchool just like taking drags.
how he didn't have a choice? HE CLEARLY DID have a big choice! and no, going with a kidnapper is more dangerous then not going with him and call the police. yap XD I think it logicel. again stop insuliting real victims! it only make them look bad!
it more easy to go the police then to go with a crazy kidnapper that stalk you, I"m sure. and he did have proof, he have a witness who was kidnapped aka his best friend, he have his boyfriend that was blackmail and can show them his phone history, and he have the pic that clearly show the crazy dude is a stalker, the pic that was send to Kang!
again, he didn't try to end anything by going with him, he didn't have a real point actually, he try to LEARN MORE ON HIS BOYFRIEND! something he could have done by talking to him dircatly!!
how is putting a crazy kidnapper in prison is MAKING THINGS WORSE?!! again your logic is kind of fuck up or it Siwon logic you taking at least ask for restraining order. it only make things GOOD!! and help other's to avoid danger too. by the way, kidnapping is a big crime in the east, just like murdering people. so ignoring a kidnapper is the same has ignoring a murder, is not looking good to not go to the police!

your intelligence seems to be deteriorating with every so this is he last comment im gonna make in regards to you. lu xuan runs family is much more powerful than the police which is why they didnt go in the first place. i cant believe youre making an arguement and not even remembering the facts smh. this has been a waste of my time and energy. this still stands: siwon is the victim. your 1 overused point didnt prove anything whereas we could had so many realistic points. and i feel like youre the one whos never drank cuz uhhhhh you should know that you can drink without getting drunk sweety, guess youll find out one day...
i mean ths chapter was hot af and im so confused but uhhh ,,,,, lu xuan run (or whatever his name is yikes) is still a terrible manipulative person??????? idk why yall are blaming siwon hes done nothing wrong???? im curious to see where this goesssss