I actually have fear of reading hetalia, doujins and all things related to it ever since I...

Mine-chi October 2, 2013 5:08 pm

I actually have fear of reading hetalia, doujins and all things related to it ever since I came across a discussion about it in a website few years back. The fans there totally scared the $h!t out of me lashing out at each other as well as others that are just about to get to know hetalia like me. But after reading this I think I can start reading/ watching hetalia again without being traumatised.

And I can't help but notice that Italy's nipples are so...adorably sexy. Haha. :p

    Eccentricstate October 3, 2013 2:58 am

    U appear to have gotten in the middle of a hetalia war. Hetalia is great, it's one of my favorite animes and mangas. A lot of the fans are great too. But some fans get a bit... Touchy. About ships and otps. Anyway, if ur trying to get back in to hetalia, I completely reccommend it but i also reccommend staying very far away from hetalia arguments :). I don't understand why fellow hetalians can't just be happy and love every pairing... But oh well! It's a great fandom and it's a lot of fun to talk about!