Just thought I'd put this out there

Zoey Zoey Zoey September 22, 2018 8:56 am

But tranny is considered offensive by many trans ppl. You may hear trans and trans drag performers use it but it's like the n word. It's not a word that ppl who don’t belong to that historically oppressed group should use. I mean you can say whatever you want but just understand it's hurtful to some and can lead to you getting called out. It's hard to
Keep up sometimes,but even RuPaul has taken out segemnts from the show that used the term tranny. (But Ru has had his own issues with the trans community.)

    Anonymous September 13, 2020 1:17 pm

    Thanks for saying that. I'm also just pointing out that they aren't trans people, I get what you mean though, that the word 'tranny' shouldn't be used at all right?

    I think that was the intent though, he was obviously quite rude and had some disdain for them.