Eyyy, I'm gonna sound like an advertisement here, but for blocking ads and pop-ups I like to use Adblocker, and Pop up blocker. Now make sure to get Pop up blocker, cause Ad blocker may say it blocks pop ups, but it wasn't really made to properly block them. I like to use Pop up blocker on Kissanime, and myreadingmanga a lot.

It has to do with the fact that it puts the scanlators in some serious hot water. A manhwa author recently mentioned a scan group's name in an interview when talking about piracy. Am I saying that it's not impossible for them to find out if it's only updated on Mangadex or Tumblr? Nope. But by uploading it on here, it gives easy view to the original artists to look up the translators on a site that makes it EXTREMELY easy for navigation and to go on to hound them.

A lot of scanlators worry that people uploading scans on manga sites (that don’t allow them to control the uploading of scans) makes it a lot easier for publishing companies to find them and then sue or stop them from scanlating or whatever. Also, it’s generally just unpleasant when something is out of your control (imo at least). ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

You spoke my mind with this. They stole it first and now act like, someone is doing a crime to them.
Of course I'm REALLY thankful for scanlation sites, for doing what they are doing. But the work they post is still free, I dont see a problem, when its just published on a different website, their credit pages mostly never get deleted.
Mangago is just a site who fills their pockets with ads stealing other scanlators works! They mostly upload on mangadex, a site without any ads.
I'm actually glad about this, and i know the site is not getting shut down but hey! at least scanlators are getting justice.