Though I dont think that only the men are at fault but several reasons, I agree with you that Sooahs behavior isn't just being evil but a character development because of her past and her wrong way of thinking. Therefore I'm looking forward to her development. Also I guess a friend made under such drastic circumstances are mostly the best friends possible.

The guy who stalks her is evil. The guy who won't take no for an answer is evil. Sooah is evil. They are all bad. I'm not gonna support evil Sooah cause she happens to have ON PURPOSE decided to go against kind advice and date a jerk.
If you have been warned that a guy has bad intentions and just to spite your enemy go out with them, who is at fault for being stupid and reckless? Yeah, Sooah.

Look how they judge all the girls....and then the girls internalize it and judge each other. It's not just Korea, either. The FB guy had a site to rate hotness. It was a cruel thing, a public humiliation ready to happen. And the kind of thing that creates the Mirae and Sooahs of the world--value based on looks.
Clearly, Mirae is painted as a saint as a heroine, so she's EXTRA patient, EXTRA kind, EXTRA thoughtful. And that's why she's a hero, not a villain.

What you're talking about is not feminism, it is misandry. I stopped reading at "gross males" because you are clearly not of the right mindset. The problem isn't any one gender, it is society and the people it breeds to cause others to grow up insecure and damaged. You were on the right track to want to advocate against hating Sooah, but that doesn't mean she's entirely without fault. No matter what she's been through, she is responsible for her own actions. She's a fucked up person, but hate only breeds more hate. What Sooah needs is help, not more pain. That's what our society needs as well. Instead of blaming half the people in the world for our problems based on something as trivial as gender, how about you learn to love each person for who they are. It will make this world a better and happier place :)

some men are gross, that's not misandry it's a fact.
everyone hating on sooah is part of the problem and part of the reason thing manhwa was created. you're blaming the women in this situation when it clearly the gross males who create ideals women are expected to abide to. what sooah does is fucking shitty, her actions shouldnt be forgiven - but they are justified. shes scared of losing her place in the hierarchy and being treated just as she is treating marae, its the typical story of a bully. i personally really want to see her redemption and coming to terms with her mistakes and growing, i want to see forgiveness and women working together to combat the societies ideology. power to women!!