Chapter 9 Last Page

sourlime September 18, 2018 8:06 pm

In the last page, the person calling her name. Isn't that the Prince? At first, I thought it was him already, but then Chapter 10 shows her father. I just went to look at the picture- it looks more like the Prince than her father.

    Tsokolate September 23, 2018 5:03 pm

    I feel like that was a flashback to when she fell and lost her baby.

    sourlime September 23, 2018 10:41 pm

    It shouldn’t be. Because is her previous life he depised her, so I don’t think he will call her Tia. I wonder what would happen if this is not their second life together, but he also exchanged something to change a previous life. Since the Goddess stated that she should have given up on him if she knew that her blessed child will come back to her.