Just let him die already ( ̄へ ̄) Kids a freaking prick

strum.the.guitar September 17, 2018 7:51 pm

Just let him die already ( ̄へ ̄)
Kids a freaking prick

    blueninja89 September 24, 2018 5:25 am

    honestly i feel the same way but maybe to not that extreme. For someone to forsake their life of independence in order to prolong your own cursed life, and to thank him you verbally and physically abuse him is just a disgusting individual. Your rich father doesn't even hold you accountable for your childish deplorable behavior in fact he likely encourages it. If this kid actually existed in real life I wouldn't wish death upon him but i also wouldn't stop drinking my glass of iced tea while he was on fire either. I get the whole rich sickly young master setup but his lack of humility or even the consideration of his life depending on the generosity of another selflessly staying with him for his sake is unbelievable. I get so tired of the excuse of sick people lashing out just because of their ailment, I am sorry you are sick I get that you're angry, but take anger solves nothing and you're still a fucking dick. Also that grandmother figure who likely profits from this business transaction and hadn't established ground rules for the better treatment of her pupil is just as bad the brat and his father. They're all just shit.

    Nazunacchi October 9, 2018 3:59 am
    honestly i feel the same way but maybe to not that extreme. For someone to forsake their life of independence in order to prolong your own cursed life, and to thank him you verbally and physically abuse him is ... blueninja89

    As far as I understand, the Father isn’t really encouraging the son’s behavior. And while the son is ill, it’s more having to do that his illness is an infliction of spirits possessing him and stealing his life spirit. Hence, why he lashes out at the MC, because he can’t stop the MC from following him since he made a promise with his father to protect him (from the spirits) until he dies.

    Sachiko December 23, 2018 2:44 am
    As far as I understand, the Father isn’t really encouraging the son’s behavior. And while the son is ill, it’s more having to do that his illness is an infliction of spirits possessing him and stealing hi... Nazunacchi

    So? The MC isn't doing this entirely under his own will and the 'young master' knows that. So that's not enough of an excuse to treat the others around you like shit. What is a possible excuse is the conclusion that's been drawn for everyone in a post above. Especially if 'young master' sees this as the only way out to protect the people around him.