Empathy is a good thing (light spoilers)

RubyWytch September 17, 2018 7:47 pm

I wonder if people think of the Omega from an empathetic standpoint here. Some very light spoilers, but imagine for a moment it is you, yourself in his shoes:

You are young and alone, trying to make a living. You had a certain standard of living and viewpoint of your life and the world, but life and reality is smashing all that to pieces. You're broke and you have no roof over your head, save for when you can crash on your friend's couches. You meet a guy and end up sleeping with him and he gets REALLY possessive as time goes on, even if on the surface, the relationship is sweet and people tell you how lucky you are. You don't care about that, you're trying to live your own life, get your own money and make your own decisions.

Through bad luck or inexperience, things don't go well. You end up living with him and the relationship gets even more stifling and more intimate than you wanted. When you try to step out the door, you are physically carried back inside and things happen. Then, you find out you are pregnant. Mind you, you still have no money or prospects.

So.. you decide to keep the baby. We'll not debate on the why's, but for THIS story, it has a lot to do with the fact that the man you are living with asks you to. So you ask him to compensate you like any surrogate would be and you'll give up all rights after. It would help you out, and screw it. It's payback. As time goes on, you both start to get to know each other and some feelings start to flourish, but he keeps reminding you of this kid you didn't want and his friend keeps NAGGING at you.

You have the child and avoid looking a it, as some mothers do when they are depressed or just NOT trying to form attachments to children that they are about to give up. You're in so much pain, but you pull yourself out of bed. You hear a conversation about you and the child that sends you into a panic. The surrogate contract was a lie? What are their plans? There is no family for you to return to, you have no money, and no home, but you try to leave anyway. The Alpha's friend offers to help you leave, and you take it, but end up passing out on the floor when you make it to your destination because.. you just gave birth.

Go back to the ACTUAL story. The Omega is sleeping on a closet floor, not eating, and he looks like hell. There is nothing that Beta is doing that is good. The Author is telling a very interesting story here, and it is interesting to see all the different viewpoints people have on it. I admit to wanting to see a happy ending between the Alpha and Omega and their child, but I guess I don't understand why the Omega gets so much hate. His actions are understandable and even though I wrote a LOT, I barely summarized the reasons why.

    Dabonyourhaters September 18, 2018 3:20 am

    Cause DoJin hot, and most people are young. Since DoJin hot and the minute hyesung got pregnant did a 180 and was sweet, while hyesung who due to pregnancy is moody ( as many manyy pregnant woman act (like some even completly fall out of love due to hormones sooo) see him as brat ( which honestly atmost he's immature but like reasonably so). So the hate train. Like honestly atlestt he gave birth to byul.