the funniest manga and anime ive ever seen, every single chapter filled me ...
It's good but don't read
Hey I cried again reading this, more like sobbed bc they deserved a happy e...
Will never forget this masterpiece ive read this before and im just skimmin...
Idk if theres a point in warning for spoilers, since a comment in the end, right before the topics start spoil the end, lmao.
Even though I knew what was going to happen, the ending was still really sad, knowing, that Eichi might never know, what happened to Ash and kind of ironic, since Ash only died, because he was so excited to join Eichi, which was a big point of the plot, that Eichi was his weakness and even though he knew it, he still died in the end. Well...
ANYWAY can someone recommend me manga like this but with a brighter ending? PLEASE