DG and Alex are so similar to REAL LIFE

Markersable September 15, 2018 9:36 pm

Alot of manga, especially yaoi manga, portray a very unrealistic view of love, relationships, people and heartbreak. This manga is a very accurate depiction of REAL human emotion and personality. I have met MANY people similar to Jiwon in my own life: distant, cold, non-commital, manipulative, and having a very poor history when it comes to love and relationships. I also feel as though DG is a very relatable chatacter to how many of us are when blinded by love. I love this manga so much! Seriously..I love it. It is such a joy to watch DG and Alex grow as people.

    Markersable September 15, 2018 9:58 pm

    Forget to mention...Part of Jiwon's personality: people who dont believe in love, or who take love as joke. ALOT of people like that out there!!

    escape September 15, 2018 10:14 pm

    I agree. DG is very relatablenin real life. I think every one has been head over heels in love at one point in their lives. And the moving on part was such a struggle. Its torture. And you just find yourself coming back again. And there a real-life Alex to. When the time comes that they realize they hurt someone, its a little too late and the person they hurt already got broken.