
The names were changed because of the policy of tapas, i dont think it was a decision of the author...
Besides, the problem is that the translation changed not only the names but also any reference to korea! For example, when the characters talk about enlist (in korea there is a compulsory period) they completely changed the lines bacause they didnt want to mention enlist at all!
I cant stand the fact they americanized so much a comic from a different culture (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)
The problem is not english names, actually the official translation erased any reference to korea and korean culture, and i'm so mad about it! This is a korean webcomic by a korean author,
you cant americanize everything and pretend it's set in america! This is so disrespectful to the original work and the author (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)