
Mei.ai September 11, 2018 7:26 pm

F*ck sooah and now some of yall pity her wtf? Her dumb sad history doesnt justifies her behaviour from now lmao I hope she get hit by a truck or something

    Fabille September 11, 2018 9:03 pm

    Its because some people have empathy

    xxminixkittyx September 11, 2018 9:43 pm

    I do feel bad for her in some degree but I agree with you being treated bad doesn't justify you being bad by others. It was her choice you can either take the high road or stoop to be even lower than the rest! What makes me so angry at her is that there's someone (Mirae) who's clearly trying to reach out to her and help her and she's not taking it! She's been given so many chances by her to get help from her because she's too jealous of her. That's what makes Sooah so unlikable...and that's why I still hate her too!

    manganiME September 11, 2018 11:29 pm
    Its because some people have empathy Fabille

    I'd rather not have empathy for a manipulative, conceited bitch. I save my empathy for Mirae.

    Fabille September 12, 2018 4:09 am
    I'd rather not have empathy for a manipulative, conceited bitch. I save my empathy for Mirae. manganiME

    Well good for you