this was one of the worst plots ever the teacher is just plain stupid he lets the student ...

Raziesgirl September 29, 2013 4:20 am

this was one of the worst plots ever the teacher is just plain stupid he lets the student rape him over and over.He,s not brought up on charges fore rape and it looked like he was falling for the student.I,m glad it was dropped I get so tired when the author uses rape as a plot device enough already JAPAN.

    Yhelia October 21, 2014 5:01 am

    I think the law in yaoi-land is that, if the seme can brainwash the uke into saying OK afterward, it's not rape. Act first, ask later.

    I really hope that the people of Japan realise that it doesn't work like that in real life.

    Anonymous April 5, 2015 5:44 am
    I think the law in yaoi-land is that, if the seme can brainwash the uke into saying OK afterward, it's not rape. Act first, ask later.I really hope that the people of Japan realise that it doesn't work like th... @Yhelia

    the law in yaoi-land....priceless!

    Mixtress Bathory August 21, 2016 5:19 am
    I think the law in yaoi-land is that, if the seme can brainwash the uke into saying OK afterward, it's not rape. Act first, ask later.I really hope that the people of Japan realise that it doesn't work like th... @Yhelia

    as a matter of fact japanese society and government don't consider rape a big deal. this way of thinking goes from ancient times. to them is ok for men to ""lose control"". the way rape is showed in mangas gives a glimpse of how japanese see and deal with it. they have the lower statistics, but the true is they are among the highest in rape in Asia. police only take the cases where there are proof and will damage their reputation if they don't do something. but most of the time women are scared to even report. women in japan are taught to shut up and be submissive, even in schools. japanese law don't consider rape in men. in their society men can't be raped. many japanese people don't support mangas/anime because of the exploitation of these problems. here are some links. read them when you have time. I highly recommend the site of to learn about the problem japanese women encounter in their society. the types of problem japanese government and society try to hide from public/international eye

    Anonymous May 9, 2017 10:07 pm

    Wow, why is it EVERY comment I see from you is just PURE victim-blaming and then you wondering why this is used as such a common plot device. Because of people like YOU, sweetcheeks. And, guess what, ALSO BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU, this happens in REAL LIFE, too. You are too fucking naive to be believed, ESPECIALLY since you don't think that applying the same rules in both fictional life and real life would have the same fucking CONSEQUENCES for both situations. And it doesn't JUST happen in 'yaoi-land' OR Japan, Mixtress Bathory and SWEETCHEEKS Yhelia. Oops?