Oh Wow

AnimeAngel2692 September 10, 2018 1:03 pm

Anyone else realise that this is the second (at least) dream Asami has had about Aki being some sort of animal? The last one Aki was a neko and a house pet.


    J Unleashed September 10, 2018 1:50 pm

    1. Akihito was a vampire, not an animal

    2. Try pondering this: Asami had an erotic dream because Akihito was nibbling on his nipples

    AnimeAngel2692 September 10, 2018 2:27 pm
    1. Akihito was a vampire, not an animal2. Try pondering this: Asami had an erotic dream because Akihito was nibbling on his nipples J Unleashed

    Yeah and he doesn’t do it with kitty!Aki. I take back the furry comment, it was a lame add on caused by alcohol. Past me, I swear *shakes head*
    I’ll reiterate, his mind warped what he fell asleep with (looking at Aki with a cat or Aki lying on him wearing horns) and dreamt about it. I just found it interesting it happened again.

    As for vampires not being animals, that up for debate depending on which mythology you want to follow. This one Asami was hand feeding him like injured animal so I just took it as I saw it.

    It’s an awesome extra.

    J Unleashed September 10, 2018 2:49 pm
    Yeah and he doesn’t do it with kitty!Aki. I take back the furry comment, it was a lame add on caused by alcohol. Past me, I swear *shakes head* I’ll reiterate, his mind warped what he fell asleep with (look... AnimeAngel2692

    Sure... blame the alcohol. Not that I intend to dash your furry dreams, but you're the one who offered up the challenge :P

    He has horns and bat-like wings, which is how demon/devil is portrayed. Note the "pitchfork" he's holding when Asami is shown awake.

    Miniature Vampire-Akihito looked the same as full-sized Vampire-Akihito, except clothes (cape and boxer shorts?!) materialized. Lol what a weird dream he had.

    And to reiterate, I find it amusing that Sensei revealed that Asami has sensitive nipples.

    AnimeAngel2692 September 10, 2018 3:09 pm
    Sure... blame the alcohol. Not that I intend to dash your furry dreams, but you're the one who offered up the challenge :P He has horns and bat-like wings, which is how demon/devil is portrayed. Note the "pitch... J Unleashed

    Furry dream? *hides bunny costume under bed* pfft have no idea what ur talking about.
    That previous extra was balancing on the line for sure.

    Gotta love Asami’s weaknesses.... Aki.... sensitive nipples....

    Wait... forget Asami’s dream, I wanna see the role playing they did before hand with Aki dressed up like that.

    AnimeAngel2692 September 10, 2018 3:24 pm
    Sure... blame the alcohol. Not that I intend to dash your furry dreams, but you're the one who offered up the challenge :P He has horns and bat-like wings, which is how demon/devil is portrayed. Note the "pitch... J Unleashed

    On an slightly unrelated note, is it sad that I knew exactly what extra ur icon was from just by Kirishima’s head alone?

    Faaj September 10, 2018 8:02 pm

    Mikhail is in love with fei

    J Unleashed September 10, 2018 9:39 pm
    On an slightly unrelated note, is it sad that I knew exactly what extra ur icon was from just by Kirishima’s head alone? AnimeAngel2692

    Either you own the actual manga, or are a hardcore Kirishima fan. Or both

    AnimeAngel2692 September 10, 2018 10:42 pm
    Either you own the actual manga, or are a hardcore Kirishima fan. Or both J Unleashed

    .... I can live with those options