People who ask for yaoi manga with children are probably pedos and shota fanatics but they...

ITS ALL A PROPAGANDA September 9, 2018 6:09 pm

People who ask for yaoi manga with children are probably pedos and shota fanatics but they don't wanna get backlash here because the pedo community on this site who reads shota manga here and type cringey comments like omg I'm going to hell for liking this xDD or this so hot mom forgive me XDD yada yada. I bet they have no parents to begin with, probably a bastard child resulted from a bigamous incestuous marriage thrown in an orphanage and gets molested on daily bases. That's why when they became teens they got caught in the pedo gene. I went off topic but anyway the pedophilia community here can't bring it's filth on the home page because the non-pedo aristocrats will harras them. So they ask shit like oh looking for a yaoi manga with children ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ or any other omegaverse manga because men can have kids. They're a wolf in sheep's clothing. Behind their seemingly "innocent" requests lies an evil corrupted intention. Since they can't ask for shota mangas out in the open air they will ask for a manga just with kids, this makes it more exciting for them. Instead of just following the shota manga and fapping to the written plot and the drawn scenes, they get a pure kid with no strings attached so that they could use their dirty pedophilic imagination *shudders* to do whatever they want with the poor kid. This makes me sick to my stomach. Jesus christ I wouldn't be surprised if this website gets shut down by the FBI.

    suck my dick weebs September 9, 2018 8:48 pm

    this thread is fucking hilarous with all those ugly virgins thinking they have an opinion or even the slightest privilege. ww3 soon cunts everyone will be running naked in the street shitting themselves and begging for food and water and all the moms selling themselves to the turkish governmental system to pay for their ugly sons food. don't worry about pedos because all the middle eastern capitalistic bourgeoisie will be all over the west, with no pretty person to be left, even for pedos tastes. hope every single one in this thread- no every single fucking waste of oxygen on this fucking site dies. those fucking manga readers ruining our society. NEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRDDDDSSSSSSSSSS K Y S

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 9:58 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Blue

    Yeah but still getting excited over fictional CHILD is rather obvious symptom that there is actually a problem.

    Anonymous September 10, 2018 7:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! IveGotNoLife

    Im not fluent either but I in all european languages propaganda is the same word...I didn't think, sorry

    げもげも October 3, 2018 4:04 am

    God sigh.....i like the shota genre, a lot, but i am nOt a pedo, i will NoT rape children, since i hate children its so annoying. Look, shota has two sides, the dark one and the light one. I do look the "dark" side but meh, i do not masturbate myself with children touching each other, its its unhealthy. Well that`s it, what a vent lel