People who ask for yaoi manga with children are probably pedos and shota fanatics but they...

ITS ALL A PROPAGANDA September 9, 2018 6:09 pm

People who ask for yaoi manga with children are probably pedos and shota fanatics but they don't wanna get backlash here because the pedo community on this site who reads shota manga here and type cringey comments like omg I'm going to hell for liking this xDD or this so hot mom forgive me XDD yada yada. I bet they have no parents to begin with, probably a bastard child resulted from a bigamous incestuous marriage thrown in an orphanage and gets molested on daily bases. That's why when they became teens they got caught in the pedo gene. I went off topic but anyway the pedophilia community here can't bring it's filth on the home page because the non-pedo aristocrats will harras them. So they ask shit like oh looking for a yaoi manga with children ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ or any other omegaverse manga because men can have kids. They're a wolf in sheep's clothing. Behind their seemingly "innocent" requests lies an evil corrupted intention. Since they can't ask for shota mangas out in the open air they will ask for a manga just with kids, this makes it more exciting for them. Instead of just following the shota manga and fapping to the written plot and the drawn scenes, they get a pure kid with no strings attached so that they could use their dirty pedophilic imagination *shudders* to do whatever they want with the poor kid. This makes me sick to my stomach. Jesus christ I wouldn't be surprised if this website gets shut down by the FBI.

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:10 pm

    I genuinely don't understand why are so many people defending Shotacon; child porn? That's literally so fucking disgusting. You must be horrible people irl.

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:13 pm

    Guys, I give up, you all are right, I admit that I am wrong. Sorry for wasting ya all's time.Actually I posted this topic because I'm 37 years old and actually attracted to 7-8 years kids so I just wanted to see you people reacting to pedophiles.But seeing the other users getting real serious, I feel bad. Thanks for sharing your opinions. I'm thinking of confessing to my parents soon that my baby brother was my first crush, wish me luck.I apologize for threatening to report you guys to FBI, my bad.

    MeatPotatoismyoriginalArtname September 9, 2018 7:13 pm

    Lol another triggered Anon~

    Yaoi is filled with ton's of fiction~ People get off to that fiction, like porn. Porn is also fiction, people get off to that fiction. Whatever makes you dick hard is good. Whatever your into it's fine. Keep it fiction though. I like shota and rape, doesn't mean I want to go up to a little boy, kidnap him, and rape the fuck out of him.

    SweetSummer September 9, 2018 7:14 pm

    Don't know if ya'll are trollz or if this is serious (cuz most of it is hilariously naive about this kind of stuff) but a while ago there was actually a really well informed post about pedophiles from a psychologist or something that explained that only a small portion of pedophiles are the ones that act on it and are the "monsters" that we generally think pedophiles are. A large number were actually traumatized people who were (sexually or not) abused as children and have mental problems, but could live furthe relatively normal lives. There was also a third group of people who also had some sort of trauma but stayed stuck as a child in their minds. The last pedophile-group didn't mentally grow up and as such are attracted to children but often don't act on it because they themselves "are" children. It was a really well informed post aboud this topic but unfortunately I forgot where it was..

    kys September 9, 2018 7:15 pm
    Guys, I give up, you all are right, I admit that I am wrong. Sorry for wasting ya all's time.Actually I posted this topic because I'm 37 years old and actually attracted to 7-8 years kids so I just wanted to se... @Anonymous

    It's painfully obvious that you aren't me. Anyone would believe this is probably a retard/pedo like you

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:16 pm
    Lol another triggered Anon~ Yaoi is filled with ton's of fiction~ People get off to that fiction, like porn. Porn is also fiction, people get off to that fiction. Whatever makes you dick hard is good. Whatever ... MeatPotatoismyoriginalArtname

    I said I'm sorry ,don't say anything anymore

    kys September 9, 2018 7:16 pm
    Lol another triggered Anon~ Yaoi is filled with ton's of fiction~ People get off to that fiction, like porn. Porn is also fiction, people get off to that fiction. Whatever makes you dick hard is good. Whatever ... MeatPotatoismyoriginalArtname

    shhhhh you're 13 go outside. or just leave this topic because there's many pedos lurking here

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:17 pm
    It's painfully obvious that you aren't me. Anyone would believe this is probably a retard/pedo like you @kys

    Who tf are you? Stop claiming that you are me,fucking bitch

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:18 pm
    Don't know if ya'll are trollz or if this is serious (cuz most of it is hilariously naive about this kind of stuff) but a while ago there was actually a really well informed post about pedophiles from a psychol... @SweetSummer

    hmm ok a lot of people here are denying the fact that people who fap to cp are pedos
    plz provide a logical reason to why/how would a normal sane het/gay or whatever non-pedo sexuality would fap to child porn?

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:18 pm
    Lol another triggered Anon~ Yaoi is filled with ton's of fiction~ People get off to that fiction, like porn. Porn is also fiction, people get off to that fiction. Whatever makes you dick hard is good. Whatever ... MeatPotatoismyoriginalArtname

    Pff you are sick

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:19 pm
    Don't know if ya'll are trollz or if this is serious (cuz most of it is hilariously naive about this kind of stuff) but a while ago there was actually a really well informed post about pedophiles from a psychol... @SweetSummer

    It's still mentally problem

    kys September 9, 2018 7:19 pm
    Who tf are you? Stop claiming that you are me,fucking bitch @Anonymous

    I'm not a pedo, unlike you. That's all you need to know.

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:20 pm
    Lol another triggered Anon~ Yaoi is filled with ton's of fiction~ People get off to that fiction, like porn. Porn is also fiction, people get off to that fiction. Whatever makes you dick hard is good. Whatever ... MeatPotatoismyoriginalArtname

    i hope you get a therapist asap

    SSStylish September 9, 2018 7:25 pm

    If you really have such a problem with it, why not just ignore it? People aren't going to listen to one voice out of thousands complaining about Shota.

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:27 pm
    I'm not a pedo, unlike you. That's all you need to know. @kys

    Thanks for informing me that your aren't a pedo. I for one am a pedo that is why I created this topic ITS ALL A PROPAGANDA to see reactions from users for my benefit. So please stop pretending like you created this thread, you imposter

    Anonymous September 9, 2018 7:28 pm
    If you really have such a problem with it, why not just ignore it? People aren't going to listen to one voice out of thousands complaining about Shota. SSStylish

    are you blind lol

    SweetSummer September 9, 2018 7:28 pm
    hmm ok a lot of people here are denying the fact that people who fap to cp are pedos plz provide a logical reason to why/how would a normal sane het/gay or whatever non-pedo sexuality would fap to child porn? @Anonymous

    Not what I was saying at all, I just wanted to inform everyone going off that there are different kinds of "pedo's" and like any mental disturbance I just wanted to inform that there are different forms. With that for the people who want to educate themselves about topics like this it's really interesting to read up on these kinds off stuff because it can have very different reasons why and can also be outed in very different ways. Just saying a little bit of education here and there is not wrong and that not everything is as black and white as y'all apparently want it to be ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    kys September 9, 2018 7:29 pm
    Thanks for informing me that your aren't a pedo. I for one am a pedo that is why I created this topic ITS ALL A PROPAGANDA to see reactions from users for my benefit. So please stop pretending like you created ... @Anonymous

    you're so obvious and cringey stfu not replying again

    SweetSummer September 9, 2018 7:29 pm
    It's still mentally problem @Anonymous

    Wasn't denying that pedophelia isn't a mental problem, just explaining the forms it can have

    kys September 9, 2018 7:33 pm
    Not what I was saying at all, I just wanted to inform everyone going off that there are different kinds of "pedo's" and like any mental disturbance I just wanted to inform that there are different forms. With t... @SweetSummer

    I'm not retarded I did read about them before it's mental illness they have something in their brain when they see kids it triggered aarousal or someshit like that my memory is faint. I'm just saying that people here are claiming that fapping and getting turned on by cp = not pedo which is completely retarded. but thx for info anyway