What if Hye Sung didn't want to see the baby exactly 'cause he cares about it?

Chiyuri-sama September 9, 2018 4:30 pm

What if Hye Sung didn't want to see the baby exactly 'cause he cares about it? From the beginning he was determined to leave, but what if he felt that if he saw the baby he might change his mind? What if he didn't think he'd be good for the baby, as a parent and/or as a person, because of his past, the way he grew up, and the way he's been living his life constantly looking back over his shoulder for the father he's terrified of? What if he thought he was leaving all for the sake of the baby? 'Cause what parent doesn't want what's best for their child, right? As humans, this instinct is ingrained in our very genes (you know, sef-preservation and all).

What if he's just scared of everything that's been happening to him so far and suddenly there's a crying, breathing evidence just a few feet away from him? He didn't want to be an omega, he didn't want anything to do with Do Jin, he didn't want to be raped by an alpha he once aspired to be like, he didn't want to undergo heat and be pregnant because of it... Surely, a percentage of normal people would do what he did (not everyone is as brave as they like to be). Don't you agree this view makes things more realistic?

Or, WHAT IF: His father actually recognized him at the restaurant, got him investigated, found out all kinds of things about him and then abducted him? Huh?! What if?? Hahaha, kidding~ Though the first two paragraphs are pretty sound arguments if I say so myself...

Just, you know... what ifs?? Lots of things can happen because of lots of things.

    Lunalia September 9, 2018 4:56 pm

    I actually think like you, I think he didn't wanted to see the baby because of that. But still I feel so sad for this cute little baby ;-;

    Chiyuri-sama September 10, 2018 12:09 pm
    I actually think like you, I think he didn't wanted to see the baby because of that. But still I feel so sad for this cute little baby ;-; Lunalia

    Yes, yes.. Me too... And he totally looks like Hye Sung in my opinion.