buffy September 5, 2018 2:32 pm

So i just woke up super early and sent the chap. 12 hope is gonna update soon, check out "playtime with hakdo" and "the prince of proctology" support the author if you can and heres my donate if you can and hope you continue to enjoy reading ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous September 5, 2018 2:33 pm

    Why do you need donations

    Nooby September 5, 2018 4:32 pm
    Why do you need donations @Anonymous

    So they can buy the chapters.
    One buy = thousands of readers that won't have to pay.

    Anonymous September 5, 2018 4:35 pm
    So they can buy the chapters.One buy = thousands of readers that won't have to pay. Nooby

    Asking for money from uploads that are officially translated, and thus profiting is generally a faux pas. If people have money then they should support the author by buying the English chapters from Lezhin.

    Anonymous September 5, 2018 5:10 pm
    Why do you need donations @Anonymous

    cause she buys the chapters

    Anonymous September 5, 2018 5:20 pm
    cause she buys the chapters @Anonymous

    Missing the point. Lezhin chapters are fairly cheap, if people have money then they should spend it buying chapters themselves rather than give profit to someone who just sent screenshots into mangago for people to read freely. Scanlation isn't about making money, even teams that have to buy hard copies of manga then translate them don't make money, they do it because they want others to read manga in different languages and stop when it gets licensed in said languages. Renta uploads get flack for being uploaded on here if they are licensed in English, yet it's apparently okay to upload comics from Lezhin. The money should go to the actual content creators, not anyone with a lezhin account that can upload ripped chapters onto here.

    buffy September 5, 2018 7:56 pm
    Missing the point. Lezhin chapters are fairly cheap, if people have money then they should spend it buying chapters themselves rather than give profit to someone who just sent screenshots into mangago for peopl... @Anonymous

    You fairly have a point but since i dont work and i do this just for the pleasure of it i ask people if they want to donate so i can continue buying chapters because 16 coins is 6$ dollars and if someone just sent me 1$ or maybe even .25 cents that will help to buy more for people who cant buy them for themselves and since they are donations if they dont want to or they cant i will not quit uploading them cuz i just do it for the fun of it. And one of the readers suggested the idea of making a donations account for them to cooperate with me that’s all..

    Kira_kun September 6, 2018 1:12 pm
    You fairly have a point but since i dont work and i do this just for the pleasure of it i ask people if they want to donate so i can continue buying chapters because 16 coins is 6$ dollars and if someone just s... buffy

    But author is work and she must earn . I got mad since i don’t think you must ask help because you don’t work . It’s not excuse . I am sharing on tumbler all raws I have for free . It’s better if people buy their own rather donate to you since author don’t earn what she must. Many author asks stop sharing manga on mangago. And if you treasure it you would understand that uploading it here you damage author .you can share on line or wherever you want but share it here it’s huge damage. I would understand if this webtoon don’t have English translation I and you must work hard to translate. I ask you gently to remove you PayPal account address . Lezhin is contacted about this metter !,and author too!

    Nooby September 6, 2018 7:47 pm
    Missing the point. Lezhin chapters are fairly cheap, if people have money then they should spend it buying chapters themselves rather than give profit to someone who just sent screenshots into mangago for peopl... @Anonymous

    25 cents is way cheaper tho?

    buffy September 6, 2018 8:25 pm
    But author is work and she must earn . I got mad since i don’t think you must ask help because you don’t work . It’s not excuse . I am sharing on tumbler all raws I have for free . It’s better if people... Kira_kun

    I don’t understand why are you so focused on this matter since i buy my own chapters and promote the author and you are HERE IN A ILLEGAL WEBSITE are you gonna contact everyone single author for all the mangas/webtoons that are here? I didn’t ask for money I suggested if they wanted to donate if THEY WANT! If you want to ruin the happy reading of others is your problem i do this FOR FUN and SHARING .. I don’t understand what is the problem tho?

    Anonymous September 6, 2018 8:49 pm
    I don’t understand why are you so focused on this matter since i buy my own chapters and promote the author and you are HERE IN A ILLEGAL WEBSITE are you gonna contact everyone single author for all the manga... buffy

    Buffy, you still asked for money. Calling it "donations" doesn't dispute this. The work you post is just taken directly from Lezhin's English site, therefore the self-promotion at the end of the chapters you post comes off as a bit uncalled for, as their is no translation work involved, anyone can buy and understand these uploads. If people have money, then they don't need a middle man to import japanese magazines or translate non-english languages, they should just buy the chapters directly from lezhin. Most Lezhin uploads on here don't have the uploaders promoting themselves or asking for money, most scanlation teams who translate don't ask for money either as it comes off as another slap in the face to the artist. Mangago is already profiting off of these uploads, and one upload of a chapter licensed in english on lezhin here, could mean the artist is losing out on potentially thousands of readers from buying each episode. Killing Stalking for example was uploaded a few hours after it was officially posted in english on lezhin.

    buffy September 6, 2018 8:57 pm
    Buffy, you still asked for money. Calling it "donations" doesn't dispute this. The work you post is just taken directly from Lezhin's English site, therefore the self-promotion at the end of the chapters you p... @Anonymous

    I didn’t ask for money... i just put it there if they want because one buy= 100 hundredths people that can read it for free... since i dont make money for this is just for fun i dont understand the problem I already said that i would stop. I only post it cuz a reader told me that he wanted to donate not because he wanted to support me or anything he wanted to donate cuz he enjoy that i post it here to others that cant pay.. the problem itself that im mad for is not the money cuz I didn’t make a single cent of all the chapters i posted is that he threatened me saying that he contacted Lezhin and Author so his gonna contact all the Authors of every single manga that’s been illegally posted here like for example Killing Stalking, bj alex, love is an illusion, see you again etc...

    buffy September 6, 2018 9:01 pm
    Buffy, you still asked for money. Calling it "donations" doesn't dispute this. The work you post is just taken directly from Lezhin's English site, therefore the self-promotion at the end of the chapters you p... @Anonymous

    Some people seemed to have misinterpreted your intentions. I donate to scanlators not because I want them to scanlate a specific manga (they’ve already done that), but merely because I want to contribute to their efforts. You’re providing for those who cannot afford, yet people think you’ll stop providing if they donate.

    Donating = contributing and helping out the provider and of course, it’s done based on free will

    Not Donating= buffy will still provide out of the goodness of her heart ~<3

    Complain to Lezhin or author= First, acknowledge you are a hypocrite for being here in the first place. Second, block your access to this site and go support Lezhin/author with your well-earned money. In short, don’t be an obnoxious informant aka snitch bitch

    *This is a Copy paste of a reader that wrote me*
