
OMG laughing so hard LOL well that is one way to keep your audiences attention LOL I hope you passed the presentation!
OMG laughing so hard LOL well that is one way to keep your audiences attention LOL I hope you passed the presentation!
Let me tell everyone something. Never EVER use copy and paste doing work and reading yaoi. Now that we’re clear on that, let me tell you why. Today in science class, I had to do a PowerPoint presentation for a grade. The teacher was nice enough to let us finish our PowerPoint’s for about ten minutes and I did about half of it the night before so I thought I was good, and pulled up this story on a separate tab and began to copy and paste random shit to my slides and adding titles to make it look super detailed. Well I wasn’t watching the time and realized I had about a minute left to do twelve slides out of thirty four, so I spammed the shit out of copy and paste and went switching tabs rapid fire just trying to get science and words onto my slides. I managed to get all my slides in time and thought I was completely in the clear. Well, I had to present after a few people and my teacher deducted points from people who didn’t give the presenters their undivided attention. So I went up and had my slides out and just started droning what I had copied and pasted on the slides which was good for about a third of the way, before I switched to the next slide, and pasted pages 17-2fucking7 onto my slides. I was freaking the fuck out and just started flipping through the slides repeating what I remembered about the Big Bang and the universe, pretending the pictures on the board was the Earth and not some naked dude from an anime in a bathtub. I kept the straightest face ever made and went back to my seat as the room stayed quiet for a few minutes. Nobody told me anything along with the teacher. I’m now refreshing my grades and planning how I’m going to murder everyone in that room so no soul can speak of what happened. Somebody fucking kill me please.