I sound like a bitch but I've had enough

silentkira September 4, 2018 11:57 am

I'm glad that Nike got duped by that Duke. She totally deserved that. She keeps forgetting her status and the reason that she was there in the first place. I know that Nike has a good heart and that she's compassionate and she probably can't help but 'feel' for the Duchy (people) but she shouldn't have forgotten that she was fucking kidnapped in the first place. She keeps lowering her guard around the people that (directly) kidnapped her. And now she has the audacity to get shocked that the Duke has somehow 'betrayed' her. *scoffs* I'm tired of her being this damsel in distress. I don't expect for her to turn cold like the way Livi did before. I just want her to be aware of the situation that she was in.

I noticed that Nike develops Stockholm syndrome every time she gets kidnapped. She was such a strong character in the beginning and now she's turned into this '...' (I don't even have a word for it). It really is true that no good deed goes unpunished.

    _yuuharuka September 4, 2018 12:12 pm

    I agree. I was really getting irritated with the way Nike behaves for the past few chapters. She deserves this. While it's not wrong to want to help others, she should have remembered the fact that she was taken against her will. Her kindness have only led her to her downfall.

    I just hope we get to see Livi save her before it's really too late.

    Eclair-Lightning September 13, 2018 5:13 am

    so true i mean could she just think about livi ? what he has to go thought while she is being friendly with her kidnappers ? i mean the heck ? i would have slappet hime right in front of the others and shouted thats not happening to clear this but noo she waits and looks hurt i hoped in that moment she would go berserk and might get her power back to teach him not to mess with the rain kingdom and espacily the future queen ( well she is at least for the sun kingdom) that duke pisses me of as hell he and nike are getting on my nerves