Reading back my summary was quite poor as it's from memory, but Ashiei (abusive ex) is Wang's brother (half brother presumably), who I think was not recognised as family by Wang but he still did his dirt work for the group. Ashiei was in love with Yuki's (older blond boy) mother, and ended up abusing her and Yuki after the dad's death and her own. He rapes Yuki and then sells him to be abused by other men, the prostitution is linked to Wang's group. Wang gives Yuki the gun to kill his abusive step father, but he can't do it, so Wang kills his brother.
Think they are the right spellings, but I'm sure someone can provide a better summary after re-reading the series again. All of the characters are linked, either due to family ties or friendship. At the moment there is basically a gang qang war between Wang's group which I think are based in China, and a few other yakuza groups. Reiji (blond man with the scar) and Masatagugu (yakuza boss1's son) are essentially plotting to bring all the gangs down, due to the harm they caused Reiji's family, which now includes Yuki.

Tbh I remembered all that what I dont remember is how is Hyodo is related to Yuki, was he friends with his dad (tattoo artist)? was he yuki's mother brother? I dont remember, do you? I remember he swore to protect Yuki's mother and him or something wich he didnt btw, and thats why he protects yuki at all costs now. My memory tells me he was only a good friend to his dad but I wanna be sure ( too lazy to reread though lol)

I might be wrong, but Hyodo was friends with Yuki's parents and wants to protect Yuki, he's got an uncle/godfather role. Hyodo is an underling for Masatsugu who is Reiji's (blond man with the scar) partner. Hyodo is trying to catch Reiji who is affiliated with the rival Wang group. Hyodo is trying to attack the Wang group because they hurt Yuki in his youth, and now have kidnapped him. Hyodo's boss, Masatsugu is essentially working against his own group as he has no loyalty to his father, and wants to help his partner destroy these gangs which killed his dad, and have left his sister on life support.

Ty. thats probably it he was only a good friend to yuki's parents nothing more. What made me confused was tha fact that as far as I remember Masatsugu and Reiji have a FAR deeper relationship with Yuki than Hyodo does, since Reiji is Yuki's uncle and talked to him many times in the past while Masatsugu was his father childhood friend and yet the only who cares about Yuki is Hyodo. But I remember now, Masatsugu and Reiji didnt meet Yuki again yet (in current time), they dont know his whereabouts yet, Reiji only met his younger brother in the hospital he didnt met yuki again now that he is older as far as I remember. Thats Why those 2 are not protecting Yuki, thats why only Hyodo cares about him. Cause I believe the moment Masatugu and Reiji set their eyes on Yuki they gonna jump on him and protect him at all costs, they gonna ask about his mother, and Im looking forward to see them reunited

I know you've already been through enough, but what page(s) show that Ashiei is wang's brother? I thought they only knew each other, because Ashiei sold yuki to him for sex.

Nevermind, I found it. For some reaon I thought he used "brother" in a formal way. Don't ask how or why. Lol
An attempt at a summary...
- Blond man with the scar on his face is the good guy
- Blond man's dad was a yakuza? who was killed by yakuza boss 1
- Yakuza boss 1 raped blond man's sister, she fell pregnant and tried to commit suicide but this failed and she is on life support.
- Blond man confronted Yakuza boss 1 and ended up getting his scar
- Blond man is in a relationship with Yakuza boss 1's son, and the son plans to kill his dad
- Blond man's dad had an son with another woman, and this son was brought up in their household, let's call him tattoo artist
- Tattoo artist ended up becoming an artist for the yakuza and was murdered
- Tattoo artist was married to a woman who had an abusive ex, Wang's brother
- Tattoo artists son is the young blond boy
- After the tattoo artist was killed, his wife was raped by her ex, Wang's brother and that's how the youngest blond boy came about
- Wang's brother raped the older blond boy and prostituted him
- Blond boy in order to protect he and his brother, managed to escape and then they tried to kill Wang's brother
- He's been living in the city, with his brother in hospital before getting caught up in Wang's group which is where is now
- Relation, Blond man with the scar on his face is the older blond boy's uncle, but the boy doesn't know this
- Wang's brother, who doesn't regard the abusive ex to be his brother as he was illegitamate kills him
- Blond man with the scar on his face is working with Wang to take down both Wang and Yakuza boss 1, with the help of Yakuza boss 1's son. Yakuza boss 1's son did not want the blond man with the scar on his face to join any group until he became an adult, as he wanted to join his group when he was a child in order to get revenge.