Spoilers! Translation of chapter 42!

Tanya September 1, 2018 12:59 am

Well as I always say my Korean isn't prefect but I'll try my best to translate the new chapter. So here it is!


Dg(in his dreams) :SUNBAE! Jiwon sunbae!Jiwon sunbae, wait! I'll come with you!
(he looks behind him. He is stuck in mud or whatever this shit is.)
Sunbae I made a mistake! Don't leave me!
(He sees Alex s past lover beside Alex. He is shocked. He tries to reach him but is drowning in dark waters.
I made a mistake! Sunbae! Don't leave me!

He wakes up in his bedroom. He is grabbing his phone)
Dg :I slept for 2 hours. Every day I have the same dream, I can't sleep well.

In work :
Customer 1:There is milk in my green tea!
Customer 2:How many cubes did you put in?
(there is another one but i can't get what he is saying, Gomenasai)

Boss : Dong gyun! What have
you done? Have you forgotten how to prepare the orders?
What happened?
Dg: ah... I see..ill make it from the start

(boss amd chanwoo) :....
(dg clearly messes up this drink too)
Boss :Dg, go for cleaning! Chanwoo you prepare that!
Chanwoo :Yes!

Boss :Holy heaven! Chanwoo what happened? Why is he like this?
Chanwoo :Eh... I think I have something to do with this...

Beer shop :
Dg:So... Beer...
Boss : dg don't you want beer? Why?
Dg :I don't think I should drink...
Boss and chanwoo :Ah...... ( ? )
Chanwoo :I went to soktcho! Its a club in the...
Boss:ah I went there one year ago, where should I go this year?

(blah blah blah..)
Dg is thinking :(I haven't slept these days.. I think I'm going crazy...)

Chanwoo :I loved it very much

Dg:(... Love..)
(.... Love.... )

Dg :ngh..
Chanwoo :Hey Dg are you okay!?
Boss :are you okay?
Dg(he is tearing up)... Yeah!! I'm good! G.. Good..

(he is sobbing)
Boss and chanwoo :!!!!!!
Chanwoo :Dg! Why are you crying? Don't cry!
Boss :Dg, if there is something you wanna talk about, we are here by your side...
I ve done a terrible mistake to the person that I love!
And now I have to accept that everything is over! But it's a very important person in my life and knowing I was nothing for him... I feel that my happiness was gone in those moments... I can't stand it...

Boss :Dg I don't know exactly what happened to you... But I understand you. I know how hard it must be ...
I have gone through much stuff... And I also have done mistakes like you have. But I managed to love again.
Its nice to be honest with your feelings like you are now. You have to get out the things that you keep inside. Time will give you the answer.
Chanwoo :That's it! Also it would be pity to lose this crusty yummy chicken!
Boss: indeed!
Chanwoo :You are strong. I know you can get over this.
Dg :...

Chanwoo :Oye! Forget this bastard! There are many good men in this world!
Boss :Yes let me introduce you to a friend of mine!
He is tall and handsome! Totally a hottie!
Chanwoo :Uhh boss I know who you are referring to...
Boss :ah yeah?
(they probably mean md LOL)
Dg:.. (he is eating)
Chanwoo :YEAH! Thats dg! Eat a lot!

(back home. His laptop s screen says :)
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    Lovena September 1, 2018 1:03 am

    Thank you!!
    I'm loving the progress DG and the story is making

    Tanya September 1, 2018 1:50 am

    He then says :
    I won't follow you from this day on in my dreams sunbae

    Laura September 1, 2018 2:03 am

    Thank you so much for the translation! You are the best!