....... The characterization for Hyun is all over the place :|

Ribura August 31, 2018 6:06 pm

....... The characterization for Hyun is all over the place :|

    vampireguilty September 1, 2018 2:39 pm

    I know right!!! They keep throwing in these scenes that make him seem like he cares and treasures him and now he’s crazy rapist abuser.... I was kinda hoping Shiwoo would stay with Hyun and leave Yujin alone.... after this last chapter I was like... hmmm maybe not!

    Ochako September 8, 2018 9:50 am

    Not really! He is just the same as any other abusers. They all come off as a good boy in the start and as the relationship progresses they show their colours! It was bc of that, thet Shiwoo ghosted Hyun! You'll understand his chara better when the whole back story of their relationship is revealed! All in all, Hyun is the only bad guy! #-.-)