Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows about the manga I am looking for. It's about a girl who tries to seek revenge or get the person who she knows killed her friend/sister(don't remember) imprisoned as the killer stood for trial but claimed he couldn't remember( either illness,drugs or alcohol) and thus he was judge not guilty - there is also romance in this manga.
In the end, she stabs herself to try and incriminate the guy. As when she found the evidence to be able to get him imprisoned because of double jeopardy she couldn't try him.
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows about the manga I am looking for. It's about a girl who tries to seek revenge or get the person who she knows killed her friend/sister(don't remember) imprisoned as the killer stood for trial but claimed he couldn't remember( either illness,drugs or alcohol) and thus he was judge not guilty - there is also romance in this manga.