but why are people complaining about the pace?

soopermoon August 29, 2018 5:52 pm

i kind of expect chinese webtoons to be a little bit slower than korean webtoons, and plus it's categorized as shounen-ai so we're not going to see action super fast... (plus for people saying pace was the reason why they dropped 19 days -- 19 days is categorized as shounen-ai AND slice of life lol also the story is more like friendship with BL undertones so expecting a faster pace is kind of unreasonable for 19 days...) and a lot of korean webtoons are kind of... rapey... which makes the plot line move fast

    Cappy August 29, 2018 6:01 pm

    Yaoi in general moves faster, it's one of its main points as far as I remember.
    Whatever, maybe shounen ai is not their cup of tea, anyway.