I wish the translators didn’t colour the pages,,, they spend so much effort on them and it’s not needed at all and kinda breaks the flow of the story :(
Thank you for your feedback. But~~We won't be discontinuing doing color pages. Just like you may be against them, there are people for them.
Additionally, this is (our) project, we choose the fonts to typeset, how to clean, and if we want to color, amongst other things. & Please do not mention anything about "what the author may want" because we are doing this (ILLEGALLY) anyway.They wouldn't care about the color pages; we are translating their work illegally; period. So there's that.
Please understand that~~~We do this for FREE & it's VOLUNTEER.
Each scan group dictates how they would like to do their own individual projects. Be it the font for typesetting, cleaning, dick redrawing, or coloring, etc.
In any community you will see a list of variations. -Some readers love dick redrawing, other prefer light sabers. -Some readers complain about font bigness, smallness, or font type....others it doesn't faze them. -Some readers can't stand when SFX is left on the page, other's couldn't care less. -Some readers enjoy the color pages, others go cross-eyed b/c 2 seconds affects the smoothness of the reading. ----And this goes on, and on, and oooooon.....
Scan groups cannot accommodate every single preference of a reader. Besides that, at the end of the day, scan groups do this for FREE & spend hours and hours of their day putting all of this together. WithOUT the help of the people reading their work.
We add the color pages just like we ADD the typesetting fonts that aren't the same font all across the story. We ADD cleaning, just so we aren't typing on top of Japanese texts. We ADD back dikkus, b/c these characters aren't Eunuchs and have a peen, but Japanese laws require them to be whited out.
........To discount all of the hardwork that was put into this story b/c of 1 or 2 pages is totally rude & unappreciative. If a few color pages totally overshadow the work put into the translation, cleaning, redrawing, typesetting & even just having this story brought to your eyes in English...then it is, what it is. There are thousands of other stories out there for you to enjoy; just drop this one.
The only thing I can advise, is that you just stick to the raws. There, everything is how it was originally, smooth reading and all.
Regards, Ryoko Nicole Group Leader Lewd4Yaoi Scans
Hi,Thank you for your feedback. But~~We won't be discontinuing doing color pages. Just like you may be against them, there are people for them.Additionally, this is (our) project, we choose the fonts to typeset... Ryoko Nicole
Aah there’s really no need to take offence to this and take it to your heart obviously we’re all so grateful for the work that you do and honestly the only thing I said was that you do so much as it is there’s really no need to go out of your way to colour pages when it’s not needed and sometimes even spoils others experience of reading,,, you do so much it’s only us saying that we’re grateful and we hope that you’d lessen your burden it’s obviousky not a suggestion nor a hostile statement just an abstract wish because I really do love every manga you have translated and Thank you so much for that ,,, we only want to tell you that it’s fine if you don’t colour the pages because colouring takes so much more effort
Aah there’s really no need to take offence to this and take it to your heart obviously we’re all so grateful for the work that you do and honestly the only thing I said was that you do so much as it is ther... Cyannd
Any "compliment" paired with something seemingly [negative/dislike]....is not considered a compliment. It's considered a "backhanded compliment." I didn't take it "to heart", am I not allowed to reply with how I see the situation?
Each individual team member has their own specific task. We have a colorist that colors the pages. They take pride in this and enjoy it with all of their heart. Your comment in no way feels like a compliment to them, nor to our group whatsoever. So I am unable to consider it one.
You can say "thank you" plenty of times, but your thanks is STILL riddled with COMPLAINTS that you [try] to mask as "concern." How can people that spend time & money doing this appreciate that?
It's no different from me saying, "Thank you for reading our work, but your comments are unappreciative & seemingly ungrateful."
>>>>>Do you still feel like I appreciate you reading with that added commentary after the "but"??
It's the same thing you did.
So how do you think we feel? It's a few color pages. It's a simple swipe of a finger to get to the next page. A simple.....swipe.
Can you all not understand the story now? Can you not remember the character names? Are you in a "sunken place"? Because...of a color page??
Trying to turn it around and make it a "we are thinking of your burden & effort" doesn't sound genuine at all, sorry. Our colorist doesn't see this as a "burden" they find joy in this, this is their sole task for the group, and they feel VERY HAPPY to find a way to CONTRIBUTE any way they can to the Yaoi community.
>>>>>If your consideration was the case, trying to help with a "burden" would be applying to assist the group with releases. That would help. Alot. But you haven't. None of you have.
You know what's burdensome?? Cleaning every single little SFX (sound effects) off of the page & redrawing. That is HARD. You know what else is burdensome? Typesetting each & every little sfx & small text, versus keeping the raws there and letting readers get the "gist" of what's going on on their own (many scan groups do that)
THESE are burdensome things we do to give a very clean & concise page with no sfx, and every Japanese raw translated. Coloring is NOT burdensome.
I'm not being aggressive, I'm giving a response. It may seem "long" but verbally saying out loud, it's only a 2 minute response.
& to be very clear, we do this for FUN. We juggle school, work, our kids, and real life responsibilities....because we LOVE this. We ENJOY this. We don't come here for nitpicking. & we don't expect anyone to kiss our butts.
Even before I created this scan group; I noticed readers love to complain before they thank...never knew it would annoy me this much when on the other side.
Groups go private all the time, b/c petty complaints like this. I'm starting to see why...tsk.
I wish the translators didn’t colour the pages,,, they spend so much effort on them and it’s not needed at all and kinda breaks the flow of the story :(