I need some advice...

Mariax141 August 29, 2018 10:25 am

I really want to quit my part time job but I am too scared to tell my boss that. The thing is that I hate working because they yell at you if you ask questions and frankly I mess up a lot. (I recently got yelled at for messing up pretty badly because I had been careless and this is kind of lowering my self esteem). I get a lot of anxiety working there and I hate it (even though I work only two days a week ). I also want to focus more on getting active at my college since it is just starting and I am freshman. Anyways, I don’t know if this is a good reason to quit my part time job and if my boss asks why I want to quit, I won’t be able to give her a good enough answer. The people at my job might also talk shit about me quitting. I need some advice on what you guys think I should do

    Eiz August 29, 2018 10:39 am

    If you no longer want to work in that sort of environment - then it would be best to quit. A job shouldn't make you feel shackled. Any type of job you get into should allow personal growth, not just earning. It's alright to mess up, and its expected when you're new at it.

    Just because they're paying you doesn't give them the right to belittle you. Maybe they were stressed, or was having a hard day themselves -but still, I've never yelled at any of my subordinates. It gave me great satisfaction guiding them, and finally seeing them improve, grow and get promoted.

    Tell them you really want to concentrate on your studies. Don't worry about what they'll say when you decide to quit. It's your life, your decisions - they don't own you.

    Good luck in college - and may your next part time job be one that you enjoy and learn alot from (life lessons not taught in school)!

    Nitrogenix August 29, 2018 10:42 am

    Quitting is only bringing you further down the spiral of lower self esteem. You are fulfilling your own made prophecy. The question you rather want to ask yourself is how low do you have to sink before you will see that the only way to face the problems is to talk about it and face it head on. The longer you wait the harder it gets. Just try and give it your all, what is the worst possible thing that can happen? that you get fired? well so be it, at least you have tried your hardest. The world is a cruel place from time to time, the only one who can make it comfortable is you yourself. Be strong, it might be hard right now, but one day you will look back at it thinking that this was the moment when you changed your own life, get out of that spiral and stop digging your own grave. learn how to fail, accept it, and maybe fail two or three times more. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

    Mariax141 August 29, 2018 10:55 am
    Quitting is only bringing you further down the spiral of lower self esteem. You are fulfilling your own made prophecy. The question you rather want to ask yourself is how low do you have to sink before you will... Nitrogenix

    Thank you for replying! I understand your perspective but I also have been feeling like this for almost 7 months now and no matter how much time passes, it doesn’t get better. I also think the environment is toxic and that some employees (who are like my bosses but not really) don’t usually help me out and talk shit about all of the employees behind their backs. I want to focus on my studies rather than worry about my job because I constantly worry about it.

    brynn August 29, 2018 10:59 am

    I know it's not easy but just quit it. Leave those that give you headache and focus on yr college.

    Mariax141 August 29, 2018 10:59 am
    If you no longer want to work in that sort of environment - then it would be best to quit. A job shouldn't make you feel shackled. Any type of job you get into should allow personal growth, not just earning. I... Eiz

    Thanks for the reply! I do feel convinced to leave my part time job! I am probably going to get so much anxiety trying to bring up the subject. Ugh! :(

    Eiz August 29, 2018 11:33 am
    Thanks for the reply! I do feel convinced to leave my part time job! I am probably going to get so much anxiety trying to bring up the subject. Ugh! :( Mariax141

    I know where you're coming from... I went thru a similar situation in my younger days. It'll take courage, it's the first step. Think of it as a merit for bravery, and add it to "learning experience". Good luck!