I waited for 2months for a half chapter? Lol. i think i better read the novel instead.

CatleyaNeko August 28, 2018 3:53 pm

I waited for 2months for a half chapter? Lol. i think i better read the novel instead.

    ms.nolife August 29, 2018 10:09 am

    You should! It was good. Especially...spoiler..

    The part where the prince got wha
    t he deserves in front of a crowd. Though it'll be nicer if the prince apologizes directly to her officially. And I changed my view on the other girl as I read about her.

    CatleyaNeko August 29, 2018 12:44 pm
    You should! It was good. Especially...spoiler..The part where the prince got what he deserves in front of a crowd. Though it'll be nicer if the prince apologizes directly to her officially. And I changed my vie... ms.nolife

    I did. Im now waiting for the new chap to be released hehe cant wait for what will happen next and, ya right. That prince is such a dickhead! he does not deserve to be the next king..he has issues ugh. but, i was thinking on the saint summoning he told them, he saw only Aira chan..he didnt know theres two person being summoned.
    I dont know if someone casted a spell on him to be loke that or hes just naturally dickhead. Anyway i still dont like him, and i'll never will XD

    ms.nolife August 30, 2018 7:57 am

    Ikr! What a foolish prideful prince. I vote the 2nd prince as nxt king, he's much more reasonable. I also can't figure out how they failed to notice her in the summoning ritual. I mean even Aira failed to notice her. In her case it's understandable as she was confused at the time. Anyway, I can't be satisfied enough until that fool prince officially apologizes to her himself...soon i hope...

    Ennaymerej September 16, 2018 9:43 am
    You should! It was good. Especially...spoiler..The part where the prince got what he deserves in front of a crowd. Though it'll be nicer if the prince apologizes directly to her officially. And I changed my vie... ms.nolife

    Where can I read the novel? Can you give me the link please??

    ms.nolife September 16, 2018 2:33 pm
    Where can I read the novel? Can you give me the link please?? Ennaymerej


    Rain September 17, 2018 6:38 pm

    There are both a WN and a LN of this. However, the WN is further ahead. I think the translation of the LN has been dropped.