
m e l o n T a e August 28, 2018 5:04 am

I didnt read this shit but i saw the first page from scanlation team. And honestly? Rape is a normal thing for u , scanlqtors? Whqt if someone raped YIU? Would u say the same thing? What has our world come to? I understqnd now why ppl hate us fujoshis. Youre so disgustin ! And everyone in the comments who are talkin bout the manga and ignorin the notice , you are so disgustin!

    koerndl September 2, 2018 6:07 am
    Also , from all the comments everyone just says " you cant differentiate between reality and fiction " ;Reality” is “that which exists”, and fiction exists, so fiction is a subset within the set of all th... m e l o n T a e

    That quote may overall (in terms of 'what exist is reality') be right, but imho it's a bad example. Just some points added:

    What is reality: something you can comprehend w/ your senses; see (read/watch), smell, feel, hear etc. & process in your brain.
    OFC if sth is written/drawn & you can read (see) it, then it becomes part of reality as meant in the quote, I mean what else? NO question it then EXIST.

    I think the quote doesn't mean somebody isn't able to distinguish btw what's RL & what's only thought/written/drawn (fictional)!

    If somebody overlaps RL w/ fiction & CAN'T differentiate btw them he's diagnosed as CRAZY, at least where I'm from! [Reality doesn't equal RL per se, sth can exist in reality & never be part of your RL]

    If sb think they can also fly through the air, use magic, ride dragons etc. bc they read/saw it in (existent) books/mangas/anime or wherever they're delusional & not far away from a mental health institution...... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PS: It'd be interesting from a philosophical standpoint to ask if thoughts are now nonexistent or not in terms of this quote........ (⌒▽⌒)