Saintess or political pawn.

kim August 25, 2018 10:19 am

I think Sei-san needs to be more cautious about the men thats around her. The crown*prince, prime minister, director of the R&D and his friend the cptn. The director told Sei not to cook for others outside the institute an to keep her abilities secret. And he's pushing her into a relationship with his friend the captn. Who has always been reserved an never shown any romantic interest in any woman. Suddenly is being very forceful an forward in capturing the heart of the only powerful Saint. If Sei was taken back to the Palace by The Crown*Prince or minister both the R&D an kingdoms solders would suffer the prince has already proven he doesn't care what happens to them. Whom ever controls the heart of the Saintess controls the power of the Saintess.

    Gen August 27, 2018 5:49 pm

    You know...try reading the comments below and you will learn a bunch about this story. That's all I can say. (=・ω・=)

    kim August 27, 2018 10:11 pm
    You know...try reading the comments below and you will learn a bunch about this story. That's all I can say. (=・ω・=) Gen

    Why I do value the opinions of others I still judge things for myself.
    And I don't think theres anything wrong about airing on the side of caution.

    Hotaru6 August 28, 2018 7:15 am

    We nvr rlly know wht will happn in the upcoming chpts, but i only just hope it rlly does go well for her and tht she will be safe and not so much bad things will happen to her, bcz like i also dont know if myb later, theres gonna be a suddenly a plot twist

    kim May 31, 2020 11:57 pm
    We nvr rlly know wht will happn in the upcoming chpts, but i only just hope it rlly does go well for her and tht she will be safe and not so much bad things will happen to her, bcz like i also dont know if myb ... Hotaru6

    The one that really need her medicines & help aren't the nobles but the commoners who's at the bottom supporting their rich lives. If she stays with them she'll stay blind to the poor an truly sick & needy,true saints help the poor not the wealthy