I see people saying Kyuu "did all the work".

youraedthiswrogn August 23, 2018 11:34 pm

What? Don't get me wrong, Kyuu was brave AT THE END, but he was definitely as much a coward as Toshi was until he confessed at the end. He has a monologue about this... Do you remember the scene where he lights the black snake firework and Taira runs away before coming back and having fun when he knows it's safe? He comments saying he's the same and wonders what would've happened if he hadn't been angsting over Toshi so much that he lost weight. He says "next time i'll confess" talking about the next time Toshi hits on him. Toshi kissed him TWICE and he didn't confess. He didn't confess when Toshi pushed him down either... It was always Toshi making the moves, albeit on accident after he lost control, and it was Toshi who asked Kyuu to date him just now. Toshi said "if it's dating we can spend march together", THEN Kyuu confesses. It's as Kyuu HIMSELF said in his monologue when he compared himself to Taira(the new baby brother) and the firework, he only had courage when he was sure it was safe. Toshi had to ask him out, THEN he confessed. Kyuu didn't do all the work, i'd say Toshi did most of the work in progressing their relationship. Kyuu just got over his own cowardice.
