Azalago August 23, 2018 8:30 pm

Everyone's feeling sorry for Seungbae. Are y'all crazy? He's Sangwoo 2.0. AND YOU THOUGHT THIS WEBTOON ONLY HAD ONE MURDEROUS PSYCHOPATH.

    Allllix August 23, 2018 10:16 pm

    Seungbae literally didn't kill anyone..??? And he's under a ton of stress from the loss of his job, so him acting manic is justifiable.

    K99MY August 23, 2018 10:55 pm

    He isn’t a murderer though? And can you really blame him that he is a mess rn? All he wanted was justice but the world is too fucked up for something like this.

    Lily August 24, 2018 12:06 am
    Seungbae literally didn't kill anyone..??? And he's under a ton of stress from the loss of his job, so him acting manic is justifiable. Allllix

    Wait...he did kill , didn't he??

    Lily August 24, 2018 12:06 am
    He isn’t a murderer though? And can you really blame him that he is a mess rn? All he wanted was justice but the world is too fucked up for something like this. K99MY

    Fronte what I saw he IS a murderer

    yeet August 24, 2018 12:15 am

    Ya'll crazy.
    He ain't a murderer, abuser or rapist.
    Koogi stated that on her Twitter page that it was a dream and that he didn't kill anyone.

    Azalago August 24, 2018 2:09 am

    He's crazy enough to kill someone, hell he threatened to kill the woman in this chapter! And he's completely obsessed with arresting (or killing) Sangwoo. He is not some righteous fallen hero under too much stress, that's a very bizarre romanticization of his very psycho behavior.

    yeet August 24, 2018 2:27 am
    He's crazy enough to kill someone, hell he threatened to kill the woman in this chapter! And he's completely obsessed with arresting (or killing) Sangwoo. He is not some righteous fallen hero under too much str... Azalago

    He realized at the end of the chapter that revenge is not the way to go.
    The man who killed his father is finally dead, Seungbae happy, right?
    But he isn't. He realized that it's not going to bring his father back.

    He threatened her because he wants to be left alone since everyone else already sees him as a failure of the police and a crazy man.

    To say that he's a Sangwoo 2.0 is more than wrong.

    konata_luv August 24, 2018 3:22 am

    Sangwoo 2.0??? Murderous psychopath?? Seungbae never killed anyone, he literally tried to catch sangwoo and when he had him no one believed him, he lost his job, and now he’s in this bad state. So if he’s acting off in a way then that’s why??

    K99MY August 24, 2018 2:56 pm
    Fronte what I saw he IS a murderer Lily

    ?????? You might want to reread cause i think you didn’t catch everything what happened in the last few chapters