There an Anime coming soon?! Nai Wa!

SumonodoZo August 21, 2018 4:49 pm

Here guys check out the trailer. I can't wait for it.

    badoatmeal August 22, 2018 3:51 pm

    I have mixed feelings about that trailer. The voice actor and music seem pretty good, but...that CG...kinda hard to stomach

    mahomoho August 23, 2018 4:42 pm
    I have mixed feelings about that trailer. The voice actor and music seem pretty good, but...that CG...kinda hard to stomach badoatmeal

    I agree. That CG is wonky AF. I am however, rather excited. If they dont mess it up then its going to be a rather good anime. But if they cut corners on the plot like they did the CG then i will cry. (i honestly think it was to afford more money to plot)

    Sthenia August 23, 2018 6:41 pm
    I have mixed feelings about that trailer. The voice actor and music seem pretty good, but...that CG...kinda hard to stomach badoatmeal

    I feel the same. The voice acting was alright, but I'm worried the humor won't be that great because of how the VA is more monotone. Also that cgi dragon was terrible lol i hope all the monsters aren't that bad looking

    mahomoho August 23, 2018 8:12 pm

    I wouldnt get my hopes up on their being good CG at all. That was the bit they were showing off

    ChibaChan August 25, 2018 12:32 pm
    I feel the same. The voice acting was alright, but I'm worried the humor won't be that great because of how the VA is more monotone. Also that cgi dragon was terrible lol i hope all the monsters aren't that bad... Sthenia

    oh this what was up with the dragon, it was like he was drawn in a completely different style, but then it seemed the same for the future characters? as if they have someone drawing for the dungeon and separate people for specific monsters and then the above ground, which also...that urks me to see a bunch of characters that so far haven't even been hinted to in the opening credits/sample.