Who is your favorite character and why?

Anonymous August 21, 2018 2:18 am

Who is your favorite character and why?

    Doumeki. August 23, 2018 3:04 am

    Mine is Doumeki. Not only because he is so gorgeous, sexy and hot ( because he is ) but because, to me, he is the epitome of the 'contradictions' theme of Saezuru.
    He is this cool, stoic man on the outside but just below the surface he is completely the opposite;
    He is this deadly weapon, violent and powerful attack tank and at the same time the kindest, gentlest, purest of heart among the men around him;
    He has this innocent attitude and lacks malice as a wise guy ( what everybody in the Yakuza group takes as him being slow or stupid) but he is amazingly perceptive, especially regarding to Yashiro.
    He manages to be both submissive and dominant in his relationship with Yashiro. This is one of the most interesting contradictions about Doumeki. He is both a cute puppy and a mad dog who won't give up a bone.
    He is selfless and will sacrifice for those he loves and at the same time he is selfish and possessive.
    I remember someone wrote on their tumblr why Doumeki was their favorite characters and I tried to find it again to post here because I am not half as articulate as that person and she described Doumeki's character so beautifully.

    afroluv August 23, 2018 3:48 am
    Mine is Doumeki. Not only because he is so gorgeous, sexy and hot ( because he is ) but because, to me, he is the epitome of the 'contradictions' theme of Saezuru. He is this cool, stoic man on the outside but... @Doumeki.

    Nice character analysis there. I hadn't really considered the contradictions in his character. I've been so focused on Yashiro. BUT I know D is not a big, slow idiot. He is quite sharp and I'm kind of pissed no one has really seen it in story. I made a comment earlier that D is interrogating Yashiro on the sly during this whole recent chapter...that is why he knows Yashiro is bullshting.

    Cat Knight bytes August 23, 2018 11:08 am
    Mine is Doumeki. Not only because he is so gorgeous, sexy and hot ( because he is ) but because, to me, he is the epitome of the 'contradictions' theme of Saezuru. He is this cool, stoic man on the outside but... @Doumeki.

    You did a good job your self.

    Doumeki. August 23, 2018 1:00 pm
    You did a good job your self. @Cat Knight bytes

    @Cat Knight bytes and
    Thank you! :)

    Cat Knight bytes August 23, 2018 10:03 pm
    @Cat Knight bytes and @afroluv Thank you! :) @Doumeki.

    u are welcome.^^.

    afroluv August 24, 2018 1:27 am
    You did a good job your self. @Cat Knight bytes
