
They’re both terrible people who need to grow up. Alex was physically and emotionally traumatizing to be with, and DG was overbearing as fuck and repeatedly lied to maintain a relationship he couldn’t handle. But this act is the icing on the WTF IS WRONG WITH BOTH OF YOU cake. I truly hope they don’t end up together. You can’t apologize your way out of "I drunkenly cost you your job on a live stream because I hate not being able to monopolize your romantic attention." Not even in a committed relationship would that be acceptable.
It’s a goddamn train wreck. I think they’re both assholes. One for entering into a sex friend relationship when he *knows* he is already up to his eyeballs in feelings. The other for treating him as both brutally and violently expendable. But getting shit faced and publicly fucking with someone’s *job* because your sex friend doesn’t love you like you do? GTFO DG.
That’s so low. This person has a life outside of you, you don’t get to fuck that over because you’re upset it’s not exclusive. The terms you both agreed to explicitly stated otherwise. DG should have realized you should never bang your fantasy, especially when you know next to nothing about them beyond their sexual experiences recounted to a stream of hundreds or thousands. Nothing about Alex says relationship material. Not a damn thing! He’s got more red flags than a communist parade!
Best thing for both would be separation and complete failure of the relationship. Alex has to learn he can’t treat people this way. DG needs to learn he can't treat people this way. Alex needs to learn not to leap light years down a sex act *when they’ve already said no or they are frightened.* DG needs to learn not to push his emotions/ attachments on others like a 2 ton boulder from a cliff *when they’ve already said no or told you they aren’t interested.*
I want all these two losers alone and in therapy for a solid year before they even attempt a relationship with another (new!) human being. Alex should learn about consent, resolving never to do what he did again. DG should examine his shit boundaries and poor decision making skills. They’re both hot messes slapping each other with immature bs nobody deserves to put up with. It’s like daytime soap Degrassi with vaping, smart phones, and adult streamers. Or Hate Mate: Cam Boys and Regrets edition with equally insipid protagonists.
Again, I can’t tell if I should feel like this is dramatic or comedic. It keeps going for jokes/ the incredulity of the situation, but then it’s throwing backstories, traumatic sex, lost jobs, and live-broadcast drunken tirades at me. It’s tone deaf as hell. It’s like buying tickets for a slapdick comedy and getting a lecture in Assholes: He’s Just Too Immature for You (or Anyone) 101 with a weekly seminar in This is Why You Leave Him 150 and a weekend workshop in Delete His Damn Number and Love Yourself 222R.
Now Chanwoo and his BDSM Daddy, however? They can takeover as MCs anytime.