Just the same as her, ignorant as hell until you're called the n word then you wanna cry about it. "Sensitve hoes", just as worst. Disgusting and probably 12 years old and never had someone call you the n word. Think about the people who died and lost their lives just to have people stop using it and treat us equally and you're agreeing with her. People stilll fighting today and you think it's funny? Wow...just wow
I'm gonna let the root explain it instead of me explaining it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theroot.com/why-its-ok-for-black-people-but-not-white-people-to-u-1826255011/amp
All I have to say is that the native thins is relevant because you dont seem to have consumed any form of black american media (music, comedy, movies etc)
I get it. Don't get upset. People think that racism only exist the US. Well, Brazil is actually worst. The 9 people that thought her comment was funny and feel the need to justify the usage of the n word in any form are lost causes. They won't change, they'll still use it. Should they? Absolutely not. They are ignorant to the fact of the hundreads of years that blacks were called the n word. Even if we took the word to "make it our own" doesn't turn thay into a positive. It still means the same...I don't use it. Have I've been called it? Yes, in both forms and it's not cool. People say it in songs and movies, but it still doesn't make it cool. Other words like the f word used against gay men, c would used agaist chinese and others don't get frequently used in a postive way and are known form being derogatory and offensive. But the n word is okay for some reason. It's not. Instead of the user apologizing to those she offended, she curses and continues to use it. Truly sad and immature. People find it sensitive to be offeneded by a racial slur, well...I'm guess we're sensitive. I guess I put too much faith in humanity. That one day people will have respect and integrity. Doesnt seem like it will happen. Well, that's that.
bitch I AM SICK!! of it! alex repeatedly told this nigga “ i ain’t love u don’t catch feelings” AND THIS NIGGA, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOOOOOOOOWWW HE LOVE HIM HE AINT WANNA LEAVE and DISTANCE HIMSELF???? like yo, i felt bad for u but now you just willingly putting yourself in a toxic relationship. i’m so done with his ass. alex need to sort out his trauma and not be bombarded with this annoying nigga’s fuck ups. this on you if you get beat the fuck up. THIS DONT MEAN ALEX AINT A PIECE OF SHIT NIGGA! but i’m telling y’all he is completely justified for being pissed off lmaoaoao.