here we go.. here we go!


bitch I AM SICK!! of it! alex repeatedly told this nigga “ i ain’t love u don’t catch feelings” AND THIS NIGGA, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOOOOOOOOWWW HE LOVE HIM HE AINT WANNA LEAVE and DISTANCE HIMSELF???? like yo, i felt bad for u but now you just willingly putting yourself in a toxic relationship. i’m so done with his ass. alex need to sort out his trauma and not be bombarded with this annoying nigga’s fuck ups. this on you if you get beat the fuck up. THIS DONT MEAN ALEX AINT A PIECE OF SHIT NIGGA! but i’m telling y’all he is completely justified for being pissed off lmaoaoao.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:10 am
    Hun you just sound like a child that's trying way too hard to be edgy and you're making a fool of yourself. Watch out guys you might get cut with this edginess. tfisthisshit

    you’re hurting my feelings

    Poop butt August 19, 2018 5:10 am
    and there are plenty of people who say nigga too. like you’re beating a dead horse. i don’t... care. cause even if i stop. tons of other people aren’t gonna, and i’m going to make an evil word a friendl... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Meh ok bye

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:11 am
    Ignore her...she thinks all black people say the n-word or racial slurs only exist in "yee yee states" (I'm guessing she means southern states---it's everywhere). She's clearly trolling. She probably isn't blac... kyra 23

    i’m black and i really don’t understand where y’all be living tbh

    kyra 23 August 19, 2018 5:12 am
    and there are plenty of people who say nigga too. like you’re beating a dead horse. i don’t... care. cause even if i stop. tons of other people aren’t gonna, and i’m going to make an evil word a friendl... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    No you're the one whose in the wrong. Who I'm around don't use it. So what if other black people use it? It doesn't make it right and you know it. You know Rae's right. You didn't have to use that word.

    Poop butt August 19, 2018 5:13 am
    i’m black and i really don’t understand where y’all be living tbh PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Ok we get it the place where u live is full of shit just be quite and all of dis will be over

    kyra 23 August 19, 2018 5:14 am
    i’m black and i really don’t understand where y’all be living tbh PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    I live in Seattle, I'm from Atlanta. Not all black people live in the ghetto. That's how I know your a troll. A racist, stereotypical troll. Shame on the people that gave you thumbs up.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:15 am
    Ok we get it the place where u live is full of shit just be quite and all of dis will be over Poop butt

    honestly baby i was chilling. y’all calling me immature for not having the same opinion as u and that’s depressing.

    Rae August 19, 2018 5:18 am
    honestly baby i was chilling. y’all calling me immature for not having the same opinion as u and that’s depressing. PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    No people called you immature because you used a racial slur and your response to people trying to educate you. I would say you're ignorant but I feel you're a lost cause.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:24 am
    No people called you immature because you used a racial slur and your response to people trying to educate you. I would say you're ignorant but I feel you're a lost cause. Rae

    ypu’re saying educate as if your opinion ( OPINION) is fact. it... isn’t. nor is mine! but i already said we can agree to disagree because in the end, you’re not changing my opinion and i’m not changing yours. it’s not that hard of a concept to grasp, baby

    Timtim August 19, 2018 5:25 am
    No people called you immature because you used a racial slur and your response to people trying to educate you. I would say you're ignorant but I feel you're a lost cause. Rae

    Damn...this comment section lol

    Mercy August 19, 2018 5:26 am

    My dude. The amount of energy you still have for this ish? I need it. I bout THIS much done with all this bs as well. Cant see how any of this will get betterlove your comment. It had me deadf sensitive hoes

    Mellumoada August 19, 2018 5:26 am
    honestly baby i was chilling. y’all calling me immature for not having the same opinion as u and that’s depressing. PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Be the change you want to see in the world. No educated black individual thinks that’s a good word whether it is with an “a” or an “er”. It was not taken back. It’s still used negatively the majority of the time. Whatever, use it to keke whatever in your own time, by yourself (even though I don’t condone that either) but at least try not to use it publicly. It’s not a good look. You might not be as ignorant as you seem but don’t give people a reason to think that way. It makes us ALL look bad. Smh

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:26 am
    No people called you immature because you used a racial slur and your response to people trying to educate you. I would say you're ignorant but I feel you're a lost cause. Rae

    in the end, we have people being tortured and killed and your worried over a black person using the word nigga? girl donate to a charity please, stop worrying about trivial shit, go on with your day.

    naru August 19, 2018 5:27 am
    honestly baby i was chilling. y’all calling me immature for not having the same opinion as u and that’s depressing. PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    They're just kinda like this, for a sanity check all of the black community around here uses it casually. I think some of these people might not be like natives of America and so they're a tad out of touch. One of them corrected me on my english before and another time for using the word bro passive aggressively lol. They said they weren't my bro as if i didnt know. I dont agree on alex tho, hes a little too manipulative and its DGs first love. I think of DG as about the maturity of an hs sophomore

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:28 am
    Be the change you want to see in the world. No educated black individual thinks that’s a good word whether it is with an “a” or an “er”. It was not taken back. It’s still used negatively the majorit... Mellumoada

    girl.. that’s cute. turn around for me?

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:30 am
    They're just kinda like this, for a sanity check all of the black community around here uses it casually. I think some of these people might not be like natives of America and so they're a tad out of touch. One... naru

    thank u! anyways dg is honestly kind of frustratingly doormatty

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:32 am
    They're just kinda like this, for a sanity check all of the black community around here uses it casually. I think some of these people might not be like natives of America and so they're a tad out of touch. One... naru

    no single or group or even a large majority especially on the media, should represent black people. you shouldn’t even entertain the idea of that, oh my god no. my opinion isn’t the majority’s opinion, and nether is my opposing side. jesus christ that was so ugly

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:33 am
    They're just kinda like this, for a sanity check all of the black community around here uses it casually. I think some of these people might not be like natives of America and so they're a tad out of touch. One... naru

    oop my bad baby, but u know who that was for

    Nooby August 19, 2018 5:36 am
    lmao i’m not ignorant. i’m saying he’s willinglnputting himself in a toxic situation that he doesn’t like, and also i’m black. you have no say whether i can use a word that my race reclaimed or not. d... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    No one should use that word. Not even blacks

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:38 am
    No one should use that word. Not even blacks Nooby

    the fact that you said “blacks” just tells me you’re not even black, so your opinion isn’t’t valid bc it isn’t your place. this is a strictly black issue go away