
First of all why do you feel the need to use the n word? I don't care if it ends with an "a" or an "er", like don't do that...that's not cool and if you're trying to be's not. You sound extremely ignorant and downright foolish. Ugh, really?
Also, you can tell someone not to fall in love, that doesn't stop them from developing feelings. Also, this is more than so of not feeling valued more than DG making Jiwon have feelings for him.
bitch I AM SICK!! of it! alex repeatedly told this nigga “ i ain’t love u don’t catch feelings” AND THIS NIGGA, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOOOOOOOOWWW HE LOVE HIM HE AINT WANNA LEAVE and DISTANCE HIMSELF???? like yo, i felt bad for u but now you just willingly putting yourself in a toxic relationship. i’m so done with his ass. alex need to sort out his trauma and not be bombarded with this annoying nigga’s fuck ups. this on you if you get beat the fuck up. THIS DONT MEAN ALEX AINT A PIECE OF SHIT NIGGA! but i’m telling y’all he is completely justified for being pissed off lmaoaoao.