here we go.. here we go!


bitch I AM SICK!! of it! alex repeatedly told this nigga “ i ain’t love u don’t catch feelings” AND THIS NIGGA, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOOOOOOOOWWW HE LOVE HIM HE AINT WANNA LEAVE and DISTANCE HIMSELF???? like yo, i felt bad for u but now you just willingly putting yourself in a toxic relationship. i’m so done with his ass. alex need to sort out his trauma and not be bombarded with this annoying nigga’s fuck ups. this on you if you get beat the fuck up. THIS DONT MEAN ALEX AINT A PIECE OF SHIT NIGGA! but i’m telling y’all he is completely justified for being pissed off lmaoaoao.

    Rae August 19, 2018 4:41 am

    First of all why do you feel the need to use the n word? I don't care if it ends with an "a" or an "er", like don't do that...that's not cool and if you're trying to be's not. You sound extremely ignorant and downright foolish. Ugh, really?
    Also, you can tell someone not to fall in love, that doesn't stop them from developing feelings. Also, this is more than so of not feeling valued more than DG making Jiwon have feelings for him.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 4:45 am
    First of all why do you feel the need to use the n word? I don't care if it ends with an "a" or an "er", like don't do that...that's not cool and if you're trying to be's not. You sound extremely ign... Rae

    lmao i’m not ignorant. i’m saying he’s willinglnputting himself in a toxic situation that he doesn’t like, and also i’m black. you have no say whether i can use a word that my race reclaimed or not. don’t u ducking come at me with that shit.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 4:45 am
    First of all why do you feel the need to use the n word? I don't care if it ends with an "a" or an "er", like don't do that...that's not cool and if you're trying to be's not. You sound extremely ign... Rae

    don’t mind my dumb ass typos

    Rae August 19, 2018 4:49 am
    lmao i’m not ignorant. i’m saying he’s willinglnputting himself in a toxic situation that he doesn’t like, and also i’m black. you have no say whether i can use a word that my race reclaimed or not. d... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    I'm black too. It's no excuse to use that word, I don't care if you're purple. It's filled with hate so yes, I'm coming at you with that "shit". Grow up and use another word. You wouldn't want someone else to say that word to you of a different race. I was calling you foolish and ignorant because of that word, you're intelligent enough to use another word...also, they both are wrong and the cause of what's happening. Stop just putting it on DG. Leaving someone you care about it easier said than done.

    Tai August 19, 2018 4:51 am

    You're immature as hell. Really? You're saying the n word now? You're full of crap. I couldn't even finish the rest of your comment. Unbelievable.......

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 4:52 am
    I'm black too. It's no excuse to use that word, I don't care if you're purple. It's filled with hate so yes, I'm coming at you with that "shit". Grow up and use another word. You wouldn't want someone else to s... Rae

    boohoo u don’t speak for the entire race, also if u were educated enough you would know nigga and nigger can both be reclaimed by our race and used positively so hat negative and hateful use can be lessened. also! i already said alex ain’t shit either, but he has every right to be mad rn. come again

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 4:54 am
    You're immature as hell. Really? You're saying the n word now? You're full of crap. I couldn't even finish the rest of your comment. Unbelievable....... Tai

    again, black. problem? talk to the black community.

    Rae August 19, 2018 4:59 am
    boohoo u don’t speak for the entire race, also if u were educated enough you would know nigga and nigger can both be reclaimed by our race and used positively so hat negative and hateful use can be lessened. ... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Majority of us do not use that word. Did you not read my initial comment? I know the difference between "a" and "er". It's still the same...negative. It soften nothing. You're part of the problem. Like I said, you wouldn't like it if someone of another race called you an n word either with an "a" or an "er". So, why use it? "Boohoo",--yeah you're childish. Always quick to say it's "our word" and "black community" and yet when someone seriously calls you an n word, you're quick to get upset. It's truly said that people like you have this mentality. That's why it's hard to get rid of racial slurs. Awful.

    kiwikitsune August 19, 2018 4:59 am
    I'm black too. It's no excuse to use that word, I don't care if you're purple. It's filled with hate so yes, I'm coming at you with that "shit". Grow up and use another word. You wouldn't want someone else to s... Rae

    How do I give you 5 stars for that very sensible, mature reply?

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:00 am
    Majority of us do not use that word. Did you not read my initial comment? I know the difference between "a" and "er". It's still the same...negative. It soften nothing. You're part of the problem. Like I said, ... Rae


    Rae August 19, 2018 5:02 am

    I live in America (South Carolina) just because I have a Brazilian flag doesn't mean I don't understand. Brazil (my native country--I moved to the US when I was 4), they call us n-words too. Don't think it's just an "American"'s not.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:03 am
    How do I give you 5 stars for that very sensible, mature reply? kiwikitsune

    girl,, you’re not superior to me because our views on our racial slurs that again our race reclaimed. sis, it’s OUR race for a reason. not everyone’s. that doesn’t give other people a ticket to say it too. you’re not gonna change my opinion and i’m still going to use it. so let’s just agree to disagree, bc opinions differ and nobody’s opinion is solidly right.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:04 am
    I live in America (South Carolina) just because I have a Brazilian flag doesn't mean I don't understand. Brazil (my native country--I moved to the US when I was 4), they call us n-words too. Don't think it's ju... Rae

    of course you live in a yee yee ass state. LMAOOO

    kyra 23 August 19, 2018 5:06 am

    Contrary to what you may believe, they are PLENTY of black people that don't use any form of the n word. Just because you hang around ignorant people don't mean what they do is correct. It's sad that you believe that this type of language is okay. See what's going on in the US today, same shit, different day. People like you take us back with the mentality that thinking it is okay to say the n word in any form.

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:06 am
    I live in America (South Carolina) just because I have a Brazilian flag doesn't mean I don't understand. Brazil (my native country--I moved to the US when I was 4), they call us n-words too. Don't think it's ju... Rae

    i lives in the ghetto and in the suburbs. they... say it a lot. your state doesn’t apply to an entire race and neither does mine, but.. the majority not saying nigga is a lie

    Poop butt August 19, 2018 5:08 am
    I live in America (South Carolina) just because I have a Brazilian flag doesn't mean I don't understand. Brazil (my native country--I moved to the US when I was 4), they call us n-words too. Don't think it's ju... Rae

    Hey i live there and also i like how u can handle someone so annoying so maturely

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT August 19, 2018 5:08 am
    Contrary to what you may believe, they are PLENTY of black people that don't use any form of the n word. Just because you hang around ignorant people don't mean what they do is correct. It's sad that you believ... kyra 23

    and there are plenty of people who say nigga too. like you’re beating a dead horse. i don’t... care. cause even if i stop. tons of other people aren’t gonna, and i’m going to make an evil word a friendly one good night baby

    tfisthisshit August 19, 2018 5:08 am
    i lives in the ghetto and in the suburbs. they... say it a lot. your state doesn’t apply to an entire race and neither does mine, but.. the majority not saying nigga is a lie PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Hun you just sound like a child that's trying way too hard to be edgy and you're making a fool of yourself. Watch out guys you might get cut with this edginess.

    kyra 23 August 19, 2018 5:09 am
    I live in America (South Carolina) just because I have a Brazilian flag doesn't mean I don't understand. Brazil (my native country--I moved to the US when I was 4), they call us n-words too. Don't think it's ju... Rae

    Ignore her...she thinks all black people say the n-word or racial slurs only exist in "yee yee states" (I'm guessing she means southern states---it's everywhere). She's clearly trolling. She probably isn't black...if she is, it's really fucked up and sad to read someone's comments such as hers.

    kiwikitsune August 19, 2018 5:10 am
    girl,, you’re not superior to me because our views on our racial slurs that again our race reclaimed. sis, it’s OUR race for a reason. not everyone’s. that doesn’t give other people a ticket to say it t... PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    I never said I was superior or trying to change your opinion. But I liked and agreed with Rae's reply.