You mean that one person who doesn't like the victim blamer just like me. I am BORED with Iris, she's so freaking clichéd and just so uninteresting. She's like a bully who just can't STAND that she has to take responsibility for bullying others therefore insists SHE'S the one who is being bullied. BTW, capitalism kills. Anarchism that Yuri proposes does not. (No, Venezuela is not an example that it does. Oops.) No wonder the TRUE bully supports capitalism. Just like the TRUE bully justified her previous bullying by saying that ignoring those of a lesser class was acceptable and oh-so-righteous. I mean the peasants don't deserve to have their own exclusive shops, just the wealthy in this b****'* world. So tell me how she 'TRULY' cares for the poor? Oops? Ktbn.
woah not to be rude but i dont think u read the manga very well...maybe go read it again and look for the red flags with yuri. the author clearly is stating her position with yuri as the antagonist so idk what ur talking about when u state that the author thinks she isn't bad?
also you said the wealthy having their own 'exclusive store' is unfair. well first of all the world isn't fair in the first place even in real life. maybe some are born into more prominent families while most aren't. you also clearly don't understand why the wealthy having their own exclusive store is a good move. if they didn't, it's obivious the business wouldn't be as good. the exclusive store just makes the wealthy spend their money more which creates more of a balance. she can't make business flourish as well with people who do not have that much money but she can give them the privilege of having the goods like shes still giving them the opportunity to buy goods of their own price range. i want to point out that she also isn't ignoring the poor as she makes the products available for the poor when she could have only made it for the rich. in the end, she uses that money to help out children with no status and commoners to get education to create a job or ranking system where they could work their way up. (which is not possible because nobles don't want that so she tries to create a fair system) also i want to point out that her subjects are all people from the slum she saved so shes clearly not favouring the 'noble' side. idk why ur trying to go against the heroine so much. im not gonna shame you for it but if ur gonna hate on the heroine so much then dont read it in the first place cause she is the main centerpoint of the manga whether you like it or not
if you actually read it you would see that Iris thats currently there is not Iris, but someone that was brought into her body, and yuri is a manipulative person it is very obvious, and Iris greated the economy in her fief by doing so she is making it so thesethat are poor will have better lives,and the exclusive store products are made with goods that those who are poor cultivate etc, like the cacao for the chocolate so yeah.
have you even read the manga? I mean i have a 'why does ed and Yuri have to be evil' kind of view due to the beginning of this manga...but um, it has been shown many times that Iris did...almost nothing to Yuri who in reality came along and was a homewrecker? also a little spoiler but Yuri is actually...well a stark raving mad bitch..sure you might not know this yet but there's some severe 'this bitch is crazy' warning signs in many of the chapters so far. Also..all your classicism bull that you go on about...makes next to no sense especially since she is looking for ways to support the economy of her fieif which she is doing by making 'exclusive, expensive,non-essential' goods for the rich to bring money into her land...which in turn is providing her with the money to give support to those that are worse off...I must ask again...did you even read this?
Bruh did you even try to read and understand well the plot or you just lack of reading comprehension? What Iris did is business and economics. While Yuri is manipulating the people for her own greed and it will cause war. Next time try to read well and at least understand the story first before you criticize Iris for your bullcrap complaints of business and economics.
When will yuri die? :> cant wait