
Sammy August 18, 2018 1:40 am

just finished reading all the updated chapters. My fave part is still the part where el/noah had sex with a stranger and killed him. he's twisted.. feel like i'm turning as one. ps. i love the chase...always.. hope el had put up a fight somehow to add some's alright...i love the love game too much...

    Yumiswife August 20, 2018 5:19 pm

    I know right this manga is so fucked up but its so well written... one of the best ive read for a long time

    Breaker August 21, 2018 11:15 am
    I know right this manga is so fucked up but its so well written... one of the best ive read for a long time Yumiswife

    yeah! true! but i'll rate it next to "at the end of the road" and" cry for me" :)