
Vegha August 16, 2018 6:09 am

Just putting this out there. Schizophrenia is a way of dealing with the loss of someone close to you, by recreating your mental memories of them to form what could affectionately be known as an 'imaginary friend' who appears in situations where the afflicted person would usually turn to this person were they still around.

Often it's referred to as 'hearing voices' or 'just imaginary friends' but really it is the mental creation of an entire non-existant entity which can interact with the person who created them, and only that person. It is my belief that this is were the concept of ghosts come from- dead people rising from the grave and haunting those who they have unfinished business with. In all actuality however, they are just the creations of individuals suffering loss, who desire a way to communicate once more with the person they have lost.

How does this relate to the story?

- It is becoming increasingly obvious that only Myunghan can see the current Sihoon
- Sihoon converses with only Myunghan, and acts as a portrayal of someone who values Myunghan and wishes to be with only him
- Sihoon is terrified of being 'left behins' or Myunghan 'leaving him', indicating that perhaps it is actually the other way around, and Myunghan does not wish for Sihoon to leave him, and so has created an image of him which will remain with him.
- The photos with Sihoon stop after 2008. This implies that he is gone, most likely dead.
- His first memory of Seungchan is Seungchan defending him from bullies, and as we can see, the current bullying stems from his interaction with a person the others cannot see, so it is reasonable to assume that this is the reason for the bullying back then too.
- One of the bullies of the past remarks that he has 'weird eyes' which could parhaps relate to Myunghan seeing something which isn't there.
- The first picture with Seungchan is in 2010, two years after Sihoon's supposed death, meaning that imaginary Sihoon had already been around for two years, and continues to be around during Myunghan's time with Seungchan.
- This coukd be why his memories are hazy, since he is unable to distinuish between the actual memory and the memory with 'Sihoon' in.
- It ia obvioius that Myunghan's mother has a strange relationship with her son and she remembers a 'back then' which could mean that she remembers when her son did not have this imaginary Sihoon, and that she is aware of his condition.
- Which explains why Seungchan is aware that Myunghan's mother may be struggling with something, since whenever he came round when they were little, Myunghan's mother may be reminded either of when Myunghan had another friend- Sihoon- or of when Myunghan began to change after said friend's loss. This would explain why Seungchan is unaware of what troubles Myunghan's mother, but knows that something does.

Just... putting it out there...

    cicatrixe August 16, 2018 11:52 am

    this just, hits me right in the heart. thank you for sharing this

    Apocrypha August 16, 2018 4:19 pm

    I think that this theory is true plus


    I saw the raws and it seems like Sihoon is not dead. when they were little he did had an accident in which he almost died but after that they simply moved out to another city, but idk if mc knows that or he thought that he died , but in some latter chapters real Sihoon appears and mc is shook, since he is taller and looks a bit different than his Sihoon

    cicatrixe August 16, 2018 5:27 pm
    I think that this theory is true plus *Spoiler*I saw the raws and it seems like Sihoon is not dead. when they were little he did had an accident in which he almost died but after that they simply moved out to a... Apocrypha

    where did you read the raws?

    LaMarquise August 16, 2018 5:54 pm

    No I don't think so...I already though about multiple personnality disorders like Schizophrenia..BUT that was before the chapter where we see the photo of Myunghan and Yoon together at the beach or pool or something..Remeber that one? there was an actual Yoon with Myunghan..However, it could be possible that HE DID develop Schizophrenia AFTER Yoon's death sometime after 2008, if the event that caused the death itself was viloent enough.

    Apocrypha August 16, 2018 10:47 pm
    where did you read the raws? cicatrixe
    I dont really remember, but here some raws